Chapter 7: A Tempting Escape

Start from the beginning

She frowned slightly, that could work. She hit the button and watched as a slab in the roof opened, and tilted her head in interest. It would be a tight fit, and she had no idea where the tunnel would end, but she should be able to manage it. A small grin wound across her maw as the slab closed again, nothing falling through. They must have someone fill up the funnel with a deer or something every day it was used.

Taking a deep breath and flaring her wings she took a step forward, the tip of her tail hovering over the button. She was going to need to be quick to be able to do this. She pressed down and flapped her wings at the same time, launching herself forward to the open slab. She beat her wings hard, desperately trying to reach the hole, but right before she passed into it the slab closed and she crashed into it with a loud thud, cracking the roof.

With a groan the dragoness fell to the floor, dazed. She slowly rolled too her feet, shaking herself off and snarling a little, looking toward the cracked roof. She walked over to the button, thinking through what she had done, trying to figure out how to open the roof in a way that allowed her to make it. She looked at her tail, and slowly began to let elronium grow up around it, lengthening it, but instead of forming it into a whip she changed it into a long pole. It was a little unwieldy but it should work.

There was a sudden bang at the door and she jumped with a hiss of surprise. They had found her. She rushed over so she stood underneath the crack she had created in the roof and grew her tail out over the pool of water and to the control panel. She placed the tip against the button and took a deep breath. She pressed down and the hatch opened once again. Flaring her wings she leapt upwards and with two flaps of her wings she slipped into the hole, the latch closing behind her and plunging her world into darkness, her metal tail shrinking quickly back to is normal length.

She grunted. It was definitely a tight fit. Silver had never been a claustrophobic dragon, but in this place the walls were literally pressing down against her. She shivered and began to pull herself upwards with her claws, hoping to reach the end of this tunnel soon. It shouldn't take long.

In the end it only took about half an hour, but for Silver it felt like five hours. She felt her wings cramping slightly in such a small space, and it was very difficult to stretch out her legs in any way, so she just continued to crawl forward an inch at a time.

Finally she hit her head on a solid plate at the top of the tunnel, causing her to whimper slightly, thinking for a moment she had hit a dead end and was trapped. But she quickly shook the thought out and took a deep breath. She reached out with her claw, coating it with elronium to make it sharper, and began to cut away at the blockage. It was slow work, and every moment that went by made her a little more worried. What if they found her? What if they realised she had gone this way and were waiting right above where she was. What if... what if...? The fear spread through her but it didn't stop her. She would rather be captured again then spend any more time in this far worse cage.

Eventually the top came loose and she was able to push it open with her snout, crawling hurriedly out and panicking slightly when her wings got her stuck for a moment. She pushed a little harder and forced herself out with a grunt of pain, collapsing to the floor and panting in order to catch her breath.

After a couple of moments she got to her feet once again, looking around the area. She recognised it as one of A.O.D.H's hangers, and the best part was there was moonlight shining into the hanger. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw it through the windows at the top. She was outside! Well, not quite, but close enough.

Not wasting another moment she spread her wings and launched herself into the sky, flapping almost erratically as she surged toward the windows. There were a few cries of surprise as the couple of humans inside the hanger saw her, but they weren't in time to stop the dragoness as she hit the windows, shattering them into thousands of tiny pieces and launching herself into the sky with a roar.

She flew higher and higher, feeling the cool wind brushing past her as well as the air currents that were her home. It felt amazing. After nine months of being cooped up without having the chance, she had finally found her wings again. She turned and pushed herself forward, flying away from the island as fast as she could.

Somewhere deep inside her however something didn't feel quite right. The fog of her mind was still there, and the escape from A.O.D.H had seemed a little too easy. Silver ignored these thoughts and instead pushed herself forward, refusing to think about the black room that she had entered but couldn't remember.


Hey guys! New chapter! I got this one out on time for once :) Vote if you enjoyed and comment what you thought. Next chapter will be out when I can get it. See Ya!


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