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Harry's POV

I made a decision that night. I promised myself not to make a move one Camila. Why you ask? She's perfect, she has everything I could ask in a girl. But our friendship is more important. I couldn't talk with anyone like wih her. I could 't throw that away. Besides that Louis likes her. Harry you have to let her go. But I never had her..

Few months later

Camila's POV

We continued writing the song and each time we hung out I fell even harder for him, but I think he didn't see me as a girl he could date. I was friend zoned. My father and Mr. Styles became really good friends and we often be at Harry's to eat dinner. I would give him maths tutor and he would finally have good grades. You would think everything is fine but at some point it had to have drama.

Harry started dating Cara. A girl he met in Starbucks. She's really nice and friendly. You can't compare her beauty to anyone! Harry would often ask me if I could help him to plan suprises for her. Like dress up as a bear while holding a banner that says "Will you be my girlfriend?" or make a grafitti wall with them as doodles saying happy monthsary. I was always there for him, breaking inside every day seeing him with another girl. But what could I do? I was his best friend.

I was on my way home when I heard a voice calling out my name. "Camila!" I turned around to see Harry running after me. "What's up?" I smiled but he didn't look that happy. "I catched her.. with another guy." A tear fell down his cheek and I quickly whiped it away. I pulled him into a hug and he hold me like I was going to die. "I'm so sorry Harry." We went to my house and had a really long talk about him and Cara. How he thought that she was the one and that he loved her so much. I tried to hold my tears back and luckily they never came out. "Want to go to a club?" he asked without any emotion. "I don't think it's a good idea Harry." He stood up and grabbed his things. "Thanks Camz. You're the best. The 50th anniversary of the company is soon. You should come." he faked a smile and with that he left my house.

Harry's POV

Everything around me started spinning around and all I saw was blurry. I took my last shot and the alcohol was burning my throat. I made out with few girls and got beaten up because they all had a boyfriend. I tried to call Cara, she said I was childish and didn't have a goal im my life. The security guard took me out of the club and grabbed my phone. I heard him saying he's a wreck but after that I blacked out.

Camila's POV

I got a call from a security guard, telling me that Harry was drunk. I got up instantly and took my dad's car to pick him up. He was a wreck. I sneaked him into his house trying not to wake his father. I let him down on his bed, but he didn't let go of me so I was on top of him. Too close. I felt his breath on my face. He slowly opened his eyes. "Camila? What are you doing here? You're the best!" he said still drunk. With that he passed out.

I put his hair out of his face and looked at for a while. "Why didn't you fall in love with me ? I wouldn't treat you like that. Because with everyday I see you I love you more."

"Camila.." he called out before falling asleep again.

Harry's POV

I woke up with a headache and it was  afternoon already. I tried to remember what yesterday happened, but the headache was too bad. I remember having so much fun yesterday. Getting drunk and forgetting all the pain and emotions.For some reason I felt different. I was not the old Harry anymore. But how did I get here ? Flashback came through my mind. And her face. Camila.

Suprisingly nothing changed. I could still tell her everything, but at one point she started ignoring me. Until we stopped talking.

Camila's POV

My house was empty. I went to my bedroom and let my body fall into my bed. I stared into my ceiling for quite a long time. I felt really guilty about ignoring Harry. But I can't do this anymore. Back in Miami, every boy made fun of me. Because I wasn't pretty like the other girls. Just one single boy was nice to me, and he just had a bet with someone about how fast he could get me to sleep with him. Boys are total JERKS. But Harry wasn't like that... until he bacame this guy I don't know anymore. What happened to you Harry?


Sorry for not posting. I kind of have writers block so this sucks bad :( sorry guys..

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