Of Polka-Dots and Oil Stains

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Kylo was more deflated than angry this time. He looked as though he wanted to collapse in on himself, but at the same time was trying to hold himself together. He wore a white crop top with a yellow skirt that had white polka-dots on it. His tights and flats were white as well, his flower crown of choice being of yellow daisies. He had gold eyeliner with silver eye sparkles. His lip gloss looked slightly yellow. The brightness of the outfit contrasted how he felt.

He walked slowly down the hall, ignoring Rey's calls as he passed by his locker without a second thought. He managed to stop his feet before he'd bump into Hux, like Hux tried to do every morning.

"Hello Pretty Boy, are you okay?" He asked. Kylo looked at Hux up and down. He was wearing a black shirt that had the sleeves cut off and ripped jeans. The jeans were not only ripped, but also covered in oil stains and grease. Kylo scratched at his exposed bicep.

"It's nothing, piss off." He snapped, frowning. He didn't need this right now.

"Clearly it's something. You're angrier than usual." Hux retorted, frowning back. Kylo sighed and looked away. His face soften and he almost looked defeated.

"I'm not angry I'm- I'm just- I'm just tired. It's nothing." Hux still didn't look convinced. Kylo didn't blame him.

"You're going to find me at lunch and we're going to talk. You don't exactly have a say in it."

"I could always just not show up." Hux gave him a look. Kylo sighed.

"Fine!" He exclaimed exasperatedly. There was clearly no point in fighting it. Hux nodded and walked passed him. He went to class without another word. He didn't even greet Poe this time.


Kylo found himself behind the school, sitting against the wall with Hux by his side. He didn't even like Hux. Sure, he was kinda hot and had that whole 'bad boy' thing going for him, but he had this kind of personality to him that made Kylo want to bash his face in.

"What's going on in that head of yours, Ren?" Hux asked without looking at him. He looked away, hugging his knees.

"I saw my dad cry last night. Really, genuinely cry and it was weird. He's usually so different and closed off." He muttered.

"Why was he crying?"

"My uncle. He's... missing and my dad misses him a lot."

"Well, wouldn't anyone miss their brother--?"

"Ex-boyfriend. He's my mum's brother, too." Hux fell silent. That's awkward. It's also sad to imagine someone like Han Solo crying over another boy. Kylo sighed.

"Rey said that maybe he was scared of losing me like he did my uncle, since we're so alike." Kylo didn't know why he was saying all this, he didn't like Hux, but he couldn't stop.

"I didn't think Dad was capable of such deep emotions." He admitted. Hux sighed in thought.

"Everyone has their quirks and secrets. You couldn't have thought your dad was a robot." Kylo gave Hux a blank look.

"It had crossed my mind."

"Oh my god."

They talked idly after that, nothing personal, just whatever came to mind as they spoke. It was nice, but Kylo Ren would never, ever admit it.


That night, when Han got home from work, Kylo hugged him. The house was quiet as Han hugged back. Somehow, it was all the reassurance both needed.


Sorry that the chapter is pretty short, but it's a start, right? Thank you for being so patient guys. I'm getting my bearings back on my plans for the story. Remember kiddos: suggestions, theories, and comments are encouraged and eagerly accepted.

This is me asking for help :')


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