Fight For Y/N

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Hello I'm Admin~Sama here and I'm back with another chapter yaaaaaay i get to decide what happens next!!!

Flare P.O.V:

We followed a trail of car marks until we reached an old factory what did they want to do with her in there? Me and Aphmau walked carefully across the yard in front of the warehouse, we reached the door but it was locked;so we went in from a broken window on the side. I went first and helped Aphmau onto the ledge (Flare can obviously climb on window ledges with no help because I made her BadArse)
after climbing over the ledge of the window we sneaked into a room with an open door. We looked into the room and we saw a desk with about 4 computers on it and they looked like monitors. In one of the computers i could see a person tied up with ropes in their mouth."Aphmau that's Y/N it's gotta be!" I said excitedly, "it probably is we have to get a better look-" we heard footsteps coming closer to us we ran into the room and hid behind some barrels in the corner. We waited for about two minutes before we heard the footsteps disappear, we got out of our hiding place and looked back at the monitors;in one of the monitors a woman walked across a hall and into another room it didn't have a monitor. We kept looking to see if anything else happened and something did, the same woman walked into the room where Y/N was being held. I clenched my fist in anger and watched. Y/N was out cold, I could tell, the woman placed a hand on her cheek and rubbed it. She then proceeded to shake her but nothing happened, the next method was worse she moved back her right hand and slapped Y/N. At this point i was ready to find this woman and kill her.......but then i remembered something from my past....

"Cassy, please don't hurt me...."
"Oh ummmm flare i wasn't doing anything i was just complimenting
Y/N...hehehe.....on her uhh HAIR that's right her hair..."
"Didn't sound like it now how many times do i have to tell you to stay away from Y/N huh?"
"None, I'm sorry Flare I didn't mean to I swear...."
"Fine you're off the hook but next time you're getting it, last chance got it."
"Yes Ma'am."
End of flashback...
Was that Cassy could it be she had the same hair color and the same length last time i saw her in college. I looked at Aphmau with a still face and whispered something to her," hey Aphmau i think i know who that is." I said with a smirk creeping on my face, i turned around and walked out of the room as quietly as i could, Aphmau followed behind me. We reached another opened door and i could hear some slapping, this was the room, i peeked in and yep her back was turned. With all the noise i could sneak in the room i told Aphmau to wait and i would signal her if i needed help. Once i was inside the room i tipped toed behind "Cassy" if it was her at least. When I
was close enough to hit her but not for her to notice me i got in a taekwondo position that would let me kick her at the side of her stomach. POW, I hit her right where I wanted to and she fell. She was in pain and rolling on the floor, she looked up and saw me I made eye contact, "Hey Cassy remember when I warned you that last day of college that if I ever found you messing up again i would beat the living hell out of you?" I asked with a sly look on my face, I could tell she was beyond frightened she was scared for life just to see me. I then kicked her were the sun don't shine three times before she wailed in intense pain. After landing a few blows I grabbed some rope next to the wall and tied her up while she was still in pain.

Aphmau P.O.V:

I could hear lots of screams and wails of pain inside the room, I was scared that flare was getting hurt so i looked in the room. When I looked in I saw flare tying up this so called "Cassy" and putting her up against the wall. I walked in and grabbed hold of her shoulder gently, she turned around and looked at me with an angry face. "Come one let's get Y/N out of that chair and untied." I said calmingly, she followed my directions and we brought her to our car and set her in the back seat. After that Flare told me to call everyone and meet at her house while she called 911.

Flare P.O.V:

I called 911 and told Aphmau to gather everyone at my house, after a few minutes of waiting the ambulance and police came to the warehouse. They got Y/N into the truck and i got on one of the policemen also came along and interviewed me, i told the entire story to him. We got to the hospital and they told me to wait while they checked up on Y/N. In the meantime I called Aphmau and since she had everyone at my house it was easier to tell all of them to come to the hospital. In a good 26 minutes or so everyone arrived they took two cars to get there i could see that all of them had worried faces. I glanced at Aphmau and she was whispering something to Garroth, i wondered what it was.

Y/N P.O.V:

I woke up in a hospital bed i couldn't remember anything what happened? All i remember is being knocked out and stuffed into a black limo. I heard footsteps and someone hovered above me, it was Flare, she looked at me and gave me a hug i could see tears forming in her eyes. I hugged her back and she explained everything to me, emphasizing that it was Garroth's fault. A nurse came in and told them to leave so she could run some tests on me. They left and after about 10 minutes the nurse told me I could leave. She helped me off the bed and said if i ever need help call her immediately and they would bring me right over.

Hey guys Admin~Sama here i hope you enjoyed that chapter i was kinda all over the place with this one because someone didn't tell me who the people that trapped you were supposed to be so idk but Meg will probably change the story to make it what its supposed to be so he....he....he..... I don't know what I'm doing thanks for reading and remember stay Kawaii.

Hai Megan here, sooooo, um, I have nothing to say except I'm sorry we haven't posted in a while it's just Author~Senpai has been taking a long time so... yeah
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I made I new story in my account, it's basically just me ranting so.... yeah
Edited by: Megan

Total word count:1293




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