Chapter 13: On the road

Start from the beginning

"What did he do to you?" I demand immediately, my eyes almost popping out of my eyesockets. I'm clenching the flashlight in my hands so hard that they're trembling.

"Nothing," Sophie replies, taking another swig of water. "I just gave him a blowjob, no big deal." She shrugs. "It's what we agreed on. I'm actually fucking relieved that he didn't ask for anything else." She chuckles bitterly.

"Sophie," I start, guilt and sympathy overwhelming me and I struggle with the words. "I'm so sorry-„

Sophie puts a hand in the air, stopping me midsentence. "Shut up," she says quietly, refusing to meet my eyes and instead stares hard at the floor. "It's not your fault. It was my decision, mine and mine alone. Do you understand me?" Her violet eyes finally reach up and meet my sympathetic gaze, and I instinctively bob my head up and down. Sophie huffs. "I don't need your fucking pity."

Even though she puts up a brave front, I have a feeling some fragments of her horrid past do pop up from time to time, especially in times like these when she's facing a similar dilemma. I know she doesn't want my sympathy, or pity as she calls it, but I can't help myself. I almost want to reach over and hug her but there's no telling what she will do. I want to help her, I really do but I have no idea how and I realize that it's probably not up to me in the end.

"Any idea where we're going?" I clear my throat in an attempt to get rid of the lump that has made camp there and point the flashlight at one of the boxes. "Juneau?"

Sophie shakes her head. The anger she was experiencing a few moments ago seems to be receding and what replaces it is sheer exhaustion. I can clearly see the dark circles beneath her eyes. Or is it makeup? "No, the guy was willing to take us all the way to Tok," she sighs. "We're gonna have to think of something else after that."

"How long does it take us to get there?" I ask. I've never been that far away from Anchorage and its neighbouring towns before. In fact, I've never been outside of the state itself. The realization hits me hard and I try not to let it bum me out.

"About 7 hours, I think," Sophie yawns. She leans her back against one of the sturdier boxes, her arms resting on her knees. She's starting to feel the fatigue, just like me.

"Well, we're going to need a map to see where else we can go," I state, getting up to my knees and stretching my legs. It is a feeble attempt to push away the fatigue that's threatening to overtake my body like an invading bodysnatcher. It does help to an extent but I'm not going into full calisthenics inside a cramped truck. Thank goodness nobody is around except Sophie.

"Got one," Sophie pipes up and hands me a map of Alaska from one of the backpack's many pocketed compartments.

I study the map under the flashlight, noticing the marked hiking trails in various colours. "Where did you get that?" I demand to know, although deep down I know where it had been.

"From your room," she shrugs. "It was pinned on your door. Figured we might need it so I took it."

I clench my teeth and refrain from uttering a complaint. But she could have asked for my permission though. I don't like it when people take my stuff. . . I glance down at the map and manage a small smile. At least I've got something to remember my parents by.

"Since we're in this mess," I mumble and there's a grain of annoyance in the tone of my voice. If anything, I should be furious but I'm just too tired for another shouting match or another unwanted panic attack. "We need to come up with a plan." I look sharply at Sophie, who to my fury, is starting to doze off. "Sophie!" I hiss and smack my hand on her arm.

She starts and looks around wildly, her eyes wide with fear. As there is no one there but me and the boxes, she groans irritably. "What?"

"You were falling asleep!" I growl heatedly. I cannot believe her attitude right now. We cannot fool around anymore, given our current situation and here she is, about to take a nap! Fatigue, you can piss off now, fury will happily take your place. "We need to be on high alert, wouldn't you think?" I cross my arms stubbornly and glare at my undead friend who's rubbing her eyes tiredly, adding more fuel to my furious flames.

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