7) Easing back into it

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The following day rolled by and he made sure she didn't lift a finger. He cooked, washed all her clothes to get rid of that awful closet and drawer smell considering they had not been touched since she disappeared.

He treated her like a queen. She was surprised. Last time he did all those things for her was when she was pregnant. But then again, he must've been doing it all by himself the whole time she had been gone. She was glad he could take care of the house and the kids. But she wondered if he was he taking care of himself as well. So when he hopped into bed, she started asking questions.

"How did you explain it to the kids?"

"I told them someone took you away. They didn't really understand at first but once they saw you didn't come back, they got scared. They wouldn't want to play in the front yard because they were afraid of being taken themselves."

Celeste covered her mouth with her hand.

"My poor babies. They were that scared?" Mark slowly nodded his head.

"Took a little more than a year for them to play around the neighborhood with other kids."

"What about you? How did you react?"

"Just a bit more devastated than the kids, I think. I- I..." He stopped himself. She moved closer to him.

"You what?"

"...I couldn't sleep. For the first few months, I'd sleep on the couch and wake up before the kids so they didn't see me there. I missed your presence next to me at night. Bed was cold without you in it. Just another reminder that you were gone." He didn't like admitting this, his tone assured her of it.

"I'm finally back. I don't intend on leaving ever again." She got even closer to him.

They could feel the heat coming off of each other.

"Hmm..." She sighed while placing her hand on his chest.

"I missed this bed almost as much as I missed you..." She chuckled as she drew tiny 'x's all across his chest with her index finger.

Mark knew what she was trying to do. That was her tell. And after all this time, Mark was more than happy to do anything she wanted. He leaned in to kiss her. It was painfully slow but she loved it. After a few moments, he pulled away.

"You sure? I mean, you practically just got back. You don't want to wait a bit, till you're used to everything again?" He asked biting his lip. He wanted to make sure she wouldn't regret this.

She stared into his eyes. "It's been over two years. That's too long. You know exactly what I want. I know you want it too. I'm fine but I want to feel more than just fine, if ya catch my drift?..." She smirked while leaning in to kiss his neck.

A soft chuckle escaped his lips. "You're mine."

She got on top of him. "I never stopped. Just like you're still mine." Her hands sneaked under his shirt and took it off with a smile as she caressed his torso.

He cleared his throat, getting her attention then tilting his head towards the window. "You might want to close the blinds. Otherwise, we'll be giving the neighbors one hell of a show."

Her face went red and her mouth agape to the shape of an 'o' as she looked out the window to see someone in the other house. They could see clearly into the bedroom. She jumped off Mark and closed them quickly.

She covered her face as she giggled.

"I think little Freddy saw us...!" She whisper-shouted to him as she removed her hands from her face.

Mark bursted into laughter and waved it off. "He's too young to know what you were doing. Don't worry about it. Come here." He patted the bed next to him. She sat on his lap instead. They stared into each other's eyes for a while, their foreheads pressed together. She finally broke the silence.

"It feels so good to be back. Back to- well, us." She whispered.

He snaked his hands around her waist, burying his face in the crook of her neck. She flinched and laughed. Then he proceeded to lock lips with her again. She pushed him down onto the bed.

"Wait a minute- why are you topping?" He faked a confused look along with the question.

"Shut up, you know you love it." She said trying to remain serious but that line just sent them into a giggle-fit.

"You know me so well. Do you want anything specific or...?" He asked wanting to please each and every one of her needs. She slightly shook her head.

"Just you. Every. Little. Bit. Of. You." She said in between the kisses she planted on his neck.

He flashed that cocky little smile she loved so much. "Well, that can be arranged rather quickly..."

Now, it could've been the fact that they had gone so long without each other's touch, but they both agreed that what happened next in that bed was the best night they ever had together.

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