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Maya gets done with the principal he gives her a locker and her schedule and them Riley walks her to class the have history. They walk into class and everyone stares at Maya and Riley walks to her seat
"New student are we?" The teacher says
"Yeah, I'm Maya"
"Mr. Mathews, welcome to 11th grade history, take a seat next to Riley I think she'll be a great friend"
3 hours later
Maya walks to her locker and Riley runs up to her
"Hey want to sit with me at lunch?" Riley asks
"You do know that I'm a criminal right"
"I Believe that I will change you"
"Yeah we'll see about that" Maya says as they walk to lunch but Maya didn't know that Riley is friends with Lucas Farkle and Zay. They walk over to the table and Riley try's to introduce Maya to tell
"Maya these are my-"
"Yeah we all meant"
"I live with Lucas"
"Oh your his sister?"
"No his dad kidnaped me"
"Oh" Riley takes it seriously
"She's kidding, Riley" Lucas says in a 'duh' tone
"Oh" Riley says while laughing
"So why do you live with Lucas" Zay asks
"I broke the law a couple of times after my parents died and the Town Sheriff got tired of hearing me I should have went to jail but Lucas's dad saved me" Maya explain
"Oh" Farkle says awkwardly
"So how long till you move out" Zay asks
"I guess till someone adopts me" Maya says
"Well this got depressing" Riley says
"Yeah sorry my life isn't all rainbows and butterfly's like yours" Maya says getting up and walking out of lunch
"That's not what I meant" Riley says
"I'm gonna go talk to her" Lucas says and walking out
"Hey wait where are you going?" Lucas asks Maya
"I'm leaving ok"
"No your not"
"Why do you care"
"When did I say I didn't care about you" Lucas says. Maya and Lucas stare at each other till Riley comes up behind him
"Maya I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that" Riley says
"It's fine" Maya says
"To make it up to you do you want to come over my house today"
"I would have to see if Officer James is ok with that"
"He'll be fine go" Lucas says
"Ok fine" Maya says
"Great I'll find you after school" Riley says then walks away

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