Chapter 8. When It Rains, It Pours

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Things were getting heated. Peter and Tony were fighting like Tony was an un-wanted stepdad, and Peter was a bipolar teenager. They could've gone on for hours until Steve finally stepped up.

"Enough you two." He pushed them both apart from one another. Then he turned to Peter. His face was swollen in tears, and his knuckles were white. "Look," I heard Steve start, "I know what you're going through." Peter should his head, "Sorry Steve, but I don't think you do."

Steve gave him a you've-got-to-be-kidding-me face. "Oh, right, right," he said. "I'm the one that's almost 100 years old, and has no romantic expierence to tell you otherwise."

He was right. I could have said a few words myself, but I was busy dealing with Meredith. She was sat next to a streaming line of water. I watched as Wanda put tiny little yellow and blue flowers in her hair.

I smiled at the sight. When Wanda was done, she kissed Meredith's cheek, and walked over to me. "She is very wise, Buck. Even though she cannot see. Her mind is still full of dreams some people wish to catch. Talk got her. You are a very lucky man."

She placed a kiss on my cheek, and walked away. I sat down next to her. "Even though I can't see you, I still know when you're coming." she said. I chuckled. "You look like a queen." I told her. She smiled brightly, being the first time today.

"Do I really?" she asked. "I would never tell a lie, Mer." She drifted her fingers towards the water. "Do you think I'll be like this forever?" she asked, still looking down at the water. "What do you mean?" I questioned. "Blind."

I almost choked on air. "If I had an answer for that, I would tell you." I told her. "I love you just the way you are. And everybody on the team loves you just the same as the first time we met."

She lifted her head towards the sky. "It's scary." she said. "It's like you've been locked inside a pitch black room, and someone swallowed the key." I looked at her. "I bet we could train Henry to be your seeing-eye dog."

She nodded, "that's true." she said. "I just don't want you to feel like you're alone because you're not. You have a family. A big family that cares about you, Meredith." She stood up.

"I understand." she said. "We need to leave. I-I just can't be here right now." I wrapped my arm around hers, and we walked into the central fountain square, where everyone was ready to leave. The jet roared with power, and we left Asgard in a heart-beat.

*The next day*

It rained. Rained for what seemed like years. The windows fogged, and the muffled sound heard from inside. Peter refused to go back to Aunt May's. His excuse was that he does his homework better in the tower.

Which was proven fact because every single one of us had intelligence in some kind of subject he had to deal with. Bruce was science, any kind, and sort. Tony was your guy for technology. Steve excelled in history. Natasha had a thing for math, and Wanda was a book worm.

Meredith sat in her room a majority of the day. She came out for meals, but layed on her bed listening to music, or narrated books. I could tell she didn't want to start much of a conversation with anyone, not even me.

I knocked on the rim of her doorway. "Buck?" she said. "Yeah, Mer." I paused the CD, and placed myself at the end of her bed. "I was wondering if you wanted to go back home. You know? Our home?" I questioned.

She was still for a moment, "What about Peter?" she asked. "Nat is taking care of him, he'll be fine."

She nodded her head, "I guess we can. You're right, maybe I need to get away from this place for a while. Be at home with you and Henry." she said smiling brightly. "I'll pull the car around front. Then come get you."

After saying our goodbyes to the family. We headed back out to the country. It was a long drive. "How am I going to get a job?" she said out loud.

After that she said nothing the rest of the way home. I got her out of the car, still raining. "I want to sit on the swing, and I want the dog." she said. I helped her sit down, and went to get Henry. I placed him on her lap.

"Do you want me to stay out here with you?" I asked. "No." she replied, "I'd like to be with my sister." Understanding, I went back in the house to clean. It seemed like we hadn't been in the house for so long.

While washing the dishes, I had a good view of Meredith. She sat with such power. Though she cannot see, she knew what was going on. The dog lied beside her, as she ran her fingers through his curly hair. That was my life sitting right there. A person I can't seem to get over. Her beauty still shined not only within her eyes, but in her heart. She was selfless, and ambitious. A loving woman that still astounds me everyday. A girl I get to call my hero, and my person.

Ahhhhhh. So many feelssss.

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