Chapter 5. An Army Of One

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Bucky winced, and shed a few tears. Steve tried to comfort him as much as possible. In all of this happening, I felt a little lost, empty, and afraid. I was still young, and reckless. Bucky was in more of a mess than I was, and she's my sister.

Professor Fairfield was shaking his head, "What is it?" Natasha asked. "There is only one way to save her, at this point, her body is too stressed to escape the spirit on it's own." We all looked around at each other, "Well?" Wanda asked, "What's the plan?" He gulped down a glob of regret.


My eyes widened at the sound of my name. "I can't do that!" I shouted. They all stared at me like I was crazy. I turned to see Meredith still screaming as if she was on fire. She needed me, I could see it, I could feel it.

Peter and Bucky stood by my side. "Are you sure about this Audrey?" Bucky questioned. I let out a deep breathe, "She's always been there for me. I mean she's my sister, but she is my best friend. The person you can tell all your secrets to, the one who's bed you'd crawl into when you were younger, thinking that there were monsters under yours." I could feel both sets of eyes on me, although I was looking at Meredith.

"The monsters were real. My mind was always a little different from everybody else's, and she understood that. She baked cookies each time I cried after knowing that our parents passed." I chuckled lightly and put my head down.

"It's my turn now."

I walked towards Meredith, knowing what to do. "AUDREY!" I heard Peter shout. I closed my eyes. Well world, you've been good to me. I can't wait to see my mom and dad. Life up there is eternal, or so I've heard. I wish that Peter doesn't drag himself around, and finds a girl who loves him just as much as I do. And I hope for the best for Bucky and Mer, as they live out their lives together, caring, loving, and taking care of each other till the end. Because my sister deserve to be happy.


I watched as Audrey got closer and closer to Meredith. Her gem glowed with a bright stream of light. Peter tried to run up to her, but Thor stopped him. Her body raised up from the ground, still shining.

Meredith's body rose as well, meeting up with Audrey's. The two looked like a pair of stars in the darkened sky. All of Audrey's gem power shocked Meredith. In a matter of not even seconds, they both fell to the ground, hard.

Everything was pitch black again. It was cold, and everybody was speechless. Peter ran over to Audrey and shook her multiple times, knowing that it was no use. I made my way to Meredith, she was back to her normal state, yet she was unconscious.

Her necklace, however, was full of life. Peter was sobbing, whispering things into her ear. Natasha walked over to Peter, trying to remove him from her cold body. This was too much. I had to sit down and take a moment.

* Flash back *

"Grab on to my hand!"

"Bucky! No!"

* distant screaming *

* Flash back over *

"Buck?" I lifted my head to see Steve standing in front of me. "You alright?" he asked. "Ye-Yeah" I replied, "I'm fine." "Well, um. Tony suggested that we go." I nodded my head, and he helped me up.

"What about Audrey?" I questioned. "They were going to plan something when we get back to the tower." I watched as Thor and Clint placed Meredith on a stretcher, and Pierto and Bruce setting Audrey on another.

Natasha was crouched next to Peter rubbing his back, trying to get him to hop into the jet. "I didn't know that they had such a strong relationship." "Yeah. You kind of missed out on a lot." he replied.

We were all finally in the jet, leaving the humid jungle. Everybody was quiet. Nobody said one word the whole way back to the tower. There were no smart comments made by Tony. No continuous talking from Pierto. And no 1,000 questions from Peter.

The jet landed swiftly on the landing pad. We all exited, and made our way into the building. They put Audrey into a glass cylinder, using cyro to preserve her body. Meredith on the other hand, was in the tower infirmary, with tubes in her mouth.

Seeing Audrey in that tube made me sick to my stomach. I didn't remember a whole lot, but there was no doubt I was forgetting that. We joined in the living room for a meeting. "I know it's been a long day everybody. But I thought we should talk about what we're going to do for Audrey's funeral." Thor stood up, "Well, I had some sort of idea in mind. When my mother passed, we put her body on a small boat, and let it float down the river."

The idea sounded peaceful, and beautiful. "Once the boat begins to fall down the waterfall, we shoot an arrow, that cause the boat to catch on fire, but at the same release her soul up into the sky." Peter had his head in his hands, and eventually got up with Nat following. "I think Meredith would think that it's a great idea." Wanda told Thor, and he gave her a small smile.

A monitor on Bruce's phone ruined the moment. "She's waking up." I was the first one at of my seat, running as fast as I could. She was choking, tubes still in her mouth. "Wait!" I heard Bruce yell, I wasn't going to wait, I didn't even hesitate. I pulled the tube out her mouth, and she was freaking out. "Mer. Mer. Mer, calm down." I grabbed onto her shoulders and tried to lay her back in the bed. "WHERE AM I?!" she yelled. "You're back in the tower." I told her, "You're safe now." She continued to scream, "WHO'S TOUCHING ME?!" I furrowed my brows.

Steve came over and tried to assist while Bruce looked into her eyes with a tiny flashlight.

"She can hear us. But-"

"WHO'S THERE?! WHERE AM I?!" she said again.

"She's blind."


The chapters just keep getting sadder and sadder :-'(

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