"I will not 'just hand over' my Mate, I'll deal with it." Issac snapped. "I already talked to you all about this, she isn't leaving and I have a plan that you should do best not to question."

Pride filled my chest and I closed my eyes in relief. I heard more shuffling and strained to hear more, I had to know what they were going to do; even if my mind was buzzing with admiration of Issac's protectiveness.

"How many are on our land?" Issac asked, his tone still clipped with annoyance.

"Four or five we're guessing." Lucas responded. They were in the hallway now, outside the door I was behind, and I put my hand over my mouth to silence my breathing.

"You two come with me, Lucas wake up and gather a dozen or so of our best fighters." Issac's voice went into serious mode as he barked orders. "Follow our scents and meet up with us."

"Right away." Lucas said. I heard his footsteps race away.

"Are we going to leave, Alpha?" The other guy's voice asked after a prolonged silence. I stood completely still and I'm sure I was turning blue from trying not to breath too deeply.

"Yes, I- I just." Issac's voice made me instantly go tense, he was right behind the door and I could tell he was staring at it in thought. "I thought someone else was up here, never mind. We have to go."

I listened to their footsteps bound down the steps and waited until I heard nothing but silence before I nudged open the bedroom door. Letting out a breath, I walked back to my room.

I curled up onto the sheets and made my body into a ball in the middle. The thought of following them popped into my mind but I was too exhausted. This was all too exhausting.

Clutching the blankets close to me, I imagined Issac's body laying here with me. Our bodies intertwined like they should be and our chest rising and falling sync.

My Wolf whimpered loudly at my thoughts and I instantly cleared my mind of the painful thoughts.

Even though my body ached for his touch and my hands strained to reach out to him, I shut my eyes and willed sleep to come.


"Nina!" A familiar voice screamed outside my door. Lucas. I jolted awake and ripped the sheets off my body. Panic exploded in my nerves and I strained to see in the dark bedroom as I rushed to the door.

"Nina, wake up!" Lucas shouted again, I heard more footsteps and a groggy voice respond.

"W-what is it, Lucas why are you shouting?" Nina's voiced joined her brothers.

I yanked open the door and looked down the hallway to the room where Nina was sleeping. A couple of pack members were standing in the hall, panic coating their features.

But their expressions weren't the only thing concerning me, they looked like death. Their faces were bloody and the clothes they wore were shredded and dirty.

"It's Issac, we need you. Now." Lucas came out of the room pushing along a now fully awake Nina. Their eyes, the same shade of hazel were full of fear.

"What about Issac." I finally say. My mind was absorbing everything in slow motion. Everyone's faces turned to me and I stared back, wanting to yell at them to tell me what was going on.

"Clary, it's best if you don't get involved-" Nina snapped.

I walked towards her. "You don't have a Mate, and you don't understand. If he's hurt he'll heal faster if I'm there."

"She's right." Tobias says and I just now notice he is there. The gash on his leg from my car has opened up again and I look away from his hard gaze.

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