2. Your Secret's Safe With Me

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MANGA! Those who haven't read the MANGA you may not understand but I recommend you to read Chapter 61 to 64 and you'll know okay, Clue: she's someone precious to Kaname (Meaning she's not really mine but her name and the made-up story is mine) you'll know how she lives again and what she is to Kaname so you have to continue reading.


Kaname POV

It can't be her. She's gone. I saw it with my own eyes... Disturbed from my thoughts by a knock on the door. "Kaname?" "Come in, Ichijou." he came in as always reminding me of my duties as a Pureblood and as the President, "Yes, I know." was all I said in reply. "Now, please come down everyone's already waiting." I stood up, and Ichijou gave way for me as I walk downstairs, I receive many greetings from all of them.

We step outside as we wait for the gates to open, we can already hear the screams of the Day Class Students from the other side.

As, the Gates open I first step forward as I scan the surrounding seeing that everything's still the way it's always have been however I saw that Yuuki got pushed aside making her fall but as I was about to walk forward, I got beaten to it by her.

Yuki POV

As I try to stop all of them, they push me aside. I even thought I was going to be run over by them!

I tried to yell at them to go back in line but I was still on the ground when I tried to stand up I saw a hand, at first I thought it was Yori but when I look up, it was Miki.

"Are you going to take my hand or not?" she asks as I stare at her, "You're really pretty." she looks at me. Shock of what I said I accidentally let go of her hand making me fall again. *Giggles* I look up seeing her laughing.... well, it was more like trying her best to hide her laughter.

"It looks like you two are having fun here, can we join in as well?" I look up to see Kaname-sama and Ichijou-kun staring at me, embarrassed I stood up and look at them awkwardly. When I was about to ask Miki for help, I turn to see she was already in front of the screaming crowd them telling them to step back and let the night class through. They followed her, it's the first time they listen to someone except whenever Zero is yelling at them, but she just asks them. As I stand there amazed someone taps me on the shoulder, "Well... she has quite an aura around her. Don't you agree?" Ichijou asks me. "That's the first time I saw the girls follow like an obedient dog!" Aido yells in amazement, "Yeah, she has quite a unique aura around her." Kaname said without taking his eyes off of Miki and as I turn around, I as well saw Zero staring at Miki. Why?

Zero POV

I'm going to ask her what she knows, "Are you feeling alright?" and what she meant when she asked me that question. She couldn't have known since the headmaster can't just tell her and Yuki doesn't even know what kind of monster I am, so how can she know?

(Time Pass By)

As we were about to patrol the school grounds, I caught her walking past me, and without thinking twice I quickly grab her and corner her.

"What do you know?" Was all I could ask her with an aggressive voice. She was quiet for a moment and look at me, though I couldn't tell what she was thinking. "I don't know what you're talking about. I merely asked if you were feeling ok, is that so wrong?" her reply just made me angry. Without noticing, I grip her hands slightly, but she smiled at me. "I can't tell you how, but your Secret's safe with me, Zero."

"Aren't you afraid of me?" I ask her, looking down and wondering why isn't she afraid, despising, or even running away from me. "No, but please give me a good reason why I should be?" I look at her and grab her by her shoulders, not able to understand why she's acting the way she is. "Because I'm a monster in the shape of a human, I'm a blood-sucking monster!" I let her go, but she gently touches my hands and clenched them, "And you didn't wish for this, you're different from all of them. Zero, don't compare yourself to them." she walks away, leaving me speechless.

Yuki POV

I was now in the middle of trouble as I try to protect the day class from being eaten but I can't even help myself get away from Aido-senpai, "Your blood smells mouthwatering." as he slowly walks towards me while holding the Artemis within his grasps and as he was mere inches away from me, a sudden rush of wind went by and as I open my eyes I saw Miki in front of me. "What do we have here? I guess you want to join in the fun." Aido said while holding the Artemis I look at Miki worried that she might get hurt, "Getaway Miki-san, you might get hurt, just get some help. Call Zero." I kept telling her repeatedly, but she continues to ignore me, she slowly held the Artemis when it sparks making Aido-senpai let go as his hand was steaming, "What was that!?" he shouts as he holds his hand.

Just as that moment a loud 'Bang' rang throughout the night making me close both of my eyes and as I open my eyes, I saw Zero holding the Bloody Rose pointing it at a frightened Aido. They stayed like that but after a few moments, Kaname-sama arrives as he was telling Aido what would happen to him and scolding Kain for not stopping Aido. He looks at Miki still holding the Artemis, "I'm quite surprised you're not afraid of us, even after witnessing quite a scene." he said as Zero walks beside me and asks if I'm hurt or anything and with that Kaname takes her to the Headmasters office to decide whether to erase her memory of it.

Leaving with Miki by his side, he didn't even look nor glanced my way the entire time and as they walk farther and farther away, I was only left behind.

Kaname POV

I was quite surprised to see that she wasn't afraid of walking beside me even after what just happened and as we walk towards the Headmasters Office I finally spoke up breaking the silence between us. "Thank you, for saving Yuki." she looks up and she simply smiles. "Well, I can't just leave her there when she needed help. I just couldn't stand by and watch." she says. Her last sentence brought back a few memories of the past, I simply continued walking forward.

As we arrived I told the headmaster everything, he asks me to leave for a moment to talk to Miki a bit but I still can't help myself but think back at her last sentence. For a moment she looked like . . . . . Wait. What am I even thinking. Yuki is my top priority at the moment and I shouldn't be distracted by the past.


Sorry for the short chapter.

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