Chapter 2 // Matchmaking?

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Ayano's POV
"Would you look at that! Budo DOES style his hair like that!" I smiled as Budo walked through the lounge in a towel to get to his room. His hair looked similar to Taro's when it hadn't been styled, but it wasn't the same. It looked pretty good to be honest. Unlike Taro's fuckboi bowl cut.
"Duh. It takes time to look this fabulous." he said flipping his hair, flicking water all over me
"Ew! Budo!" I said wiping the shower water off of my face
"Oops!" he smirked, "There are fresh towels in the bathroom cabinet. I'll get your clothes." he said walking to his room. I went into the bathroom and got ready to shower

Budo's POV
I got Ayano's clothes from her bag and went back to the bathroom. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer
"Ayano, do you have the shower curtain pulled across?"
"Yeah, It's completely covered, why?" I opened the bathroom door and put her clothes on the counter. I got some towels from the cabinet and placed them next to her clothes.
"What are you doing?" she poked her head around the curtain corner
"I'm just getting out some towels and putting your clothes here."
"Oh, okay. Can I use your shampoo?" she said putting her head back in and continuing to shower
"Go for it." I said, "You might smell like me though."
"I can live with that."
"Is that a compliment?" I gasped sarcastically
"Yeah yeah don't inflate your ego too much karate boy." she laughed
"Shut up. Anyway, I'm going to get changed. Have fun." I said closing the bathroom door, going to my room. I changed into a white shirt and some black jeans. I styled my hair with no hair products, as to not defeat the object of showering. I didn't really need to use hair products, it's just to make sure it stays in place. Ayano came in wearing a white shirt and dark blue shorts.
"The pizza's ready." she smiled. We went to the kitchen and got out some plates, splitting the pizza in half. I have to say, I love pizza.
"Not exactly a traditional Japanese meal, but delicious none the less." Ayano smiled
"Should I text Shin?"
"I mean, if you're ready. He might be a bit nervous though, I'd bet a lot of people are trying to talk to him."
"Yeah but we're friends, I just want to help him."
"Then text him." she said, finishing off a slice of pizza
Budo: Hey bud, how you holding up?
Shin: Good, I guess. Tell Ayano I say hi
Budo: How did you know I'm with Ayano?
Shin: I saw you two walking home after MA club. Ayano had a larger bag than normal, so I assumed she's sleeping at yours. Don't worry, I wont tell anyone.
Budo: Thanks Shin. So, is there any reason you came out? Does Shin have a Senpai?
"Shin says hi." I told Ayano
"Right back at him."
Budo: Also, Ayano says hi back.
Shin: Kinda. There's a girl I like and a guy I like. I know the guy is bi too, so I decided to come out.
"He likes a guy and a girl. I assume the girl is Oka."
"You don't think the guy is you, do you?" Ayano coughed
"Relax, he said the guy is definitely bisexual. I am one hundred percent straight. Why? Jealous?" I teased
"N-No.. Shut up."
"You are jealous! Don't worry, he's not gonna take me away." I laughed and she blushed
"Whatever." she looked down
Budo: Are you going to confess to either of them?
Shin: The guy is in a relationship, so I might confess to the girl on Tuesday. I know the myth about the cherry tree is on Friday.. but it'll be valentines day so I figured it might work..
Budo: Sounds good
"He's going to confess to the girl on Tuesday." I told Ayano, and she looked a little relieved. So adorable.
"Oh, good. It has to be Oka, right?"
"I mean I don't see who else it could be." I shrugged
"True. I just hope it works out for them."
"Aww look at you, you little matchmaker."
"Urgh." she groaned shoving a piece of pizza in my mouth, "Peace and quiet, at last." she sighed happily

Ayano's POV
Whether I was jealous or not isn't important. I just want to see Oka happy. She's my friend, and she's always so sad.
Budo hadn't realised that I was texting Mina since he was so distracted, but we had been talking about valentines day. Mina wanted to confess to Sho tomorrow night at Kokona's, but I suggested waiting until valentines day to make it special and she agreed.
"Who are you texting?" Budo asked when he finally noticed my phone
"What? Jealous?" I mocked him
"Ha ha." he rolled his eyes sarcastically
"I'm just talking to Mina. She wants to confess to Sho."
"I knew she liked him."
"In Martial Arts you have to use any way possible to distract your opponent, making it easier to take them down. Sho always uses seduction when he's against Mina because it always works."
"Interesting.." I took note of that in my head, "What do you usually do?"
"Depends who I'm against." he said finishing the last of his pizza
"Okay, what if you were fighting Shin?"
"I'd probably ask him about Oka. I know he really cares about her so it would definitely take him off guard."
"What about if you were against Kokona?"
"I'd talk about Saki. Even if you don't know the person very well, as long as you know someone they care about then you can use that."
"What about me?"
"I'd definitely start- wait a minute, you're trying to learn my tactics for Monday!"
"Shit. Worth a shot." I laughed, "What if you were fighting someone you care about?" I rested my head on my arm
"Then you talk to them. Anything you say will work, because if they really care about you, they'll listen."
"That's really sweet Budo." I smiled and patted him on the head, walking to the sink to wash up.
"Don't patronise me."
"No really, that was actually really sweet."
"Oh. Thanks."

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