"Captain Sparrow!" Elizabeth calls the bloody pirate "Come to join me crew, lad? Welcome aboard!" Sparrow says without looking back and I suddenly fell the urge to vomit. "I'm here to find the man I love." that made him stop and turn "I'm deeply flattered, son, but my first and only love is the sea." he says and I couldn't hold on any longer and vomited. "Meaning William Turner, Captain Sparrow." Elizabeth says and Sparrow to seems to recognize her now. "Elizabeth! you know, these clothes do not flatter you at all. it should be a dress or nothing. I happen to have no dress in my cabin." "Jack. I know Will came to find you. Where is he?" Elizabeth asks with a worried tone "Darling, I am truly unhappy to have to tell you this but-- through an unfortunate and entirely unforeseeable series of circumstances that have nothing whatsoever to do with me, poor William has been press-ganged into Davy Jones' crew." I roll my eyes as Elizabeth doesn't seem to know who Jones is. I spit some vile flavor in my throat then spoke. "oh, please. the captain of the Flying Dutchman." Sparrow turns to me "You look bloody awful. what are you doing here?" he asks "You hired me. I can't help it if your standards are lax." I say "you smell funny!" he insults like a child and I just roll my eyes. "Jack. All I want is to find Will." his attention turn back to Elizabeth. "Are you certain? Is that what you really want most?" Sparrow asks "'Course." Elizabeth responds with confidence. "Because I would think, you'd want to find a way to save Will the most." "and you have a way of doing that?" "well, there is a chest..." I immediately see he's up to no good.. "Oh dear.." I vomit another round of the distasteful flavor in my mouth. "A chest of unknown size and origin." Sparrow starts and 2 idiot look pirates came by "What contains the still-beating heart o' Davy Jones." one of them says and the other imitates taking his imaginary heart from his chest to his hand and moves it as if he holds a beating heart. "And whoever possesses that chest possesses the leverage to command Jones to do whatever it is he or she want, including... saving brave William from his grim fate." Sparrow says "You don't actually believe him, do you?" I ask but was ignored "How do we find it?" Sparrow takes out his useless compass "With this. my compass ... is unique." "unique? don't you mean broken?" Sparrow gives me a look but then turns his attention back to Elizabeth. "True enough. This compass does not point north." "where does it point?" "It points to the thing you wan most in this world." "are you telling the truth?" "Every word, love. And what you want most in this world is to fin the chest of Davy Jones, is it not?" "To save Will?" "by finding the chest of Davy Jones." Sparrow gives her his stupid compass , opens it and run away as Elizabeth focused. It pointed at a certain direction and Sparrow comes and called Mr. Gibbs. "Cap'n?" "We have out heading!" Sparrow says then Mr. Gibbs gave orders as crew members came to help prepare for the voyage. 'I see.. I can see a way back to my Maria's side..' I thought to myself but was interrupted by one of the idiot pirates placed a goat to my arms. "Welcome to the crew, former commodore." he says "and seem that my only way back to Maria has to have me endure all this.." I mutter as I help out before boarding the ship.

Maria Swann POV
I haven't seen father for days, I suspect that he's been working all these time but I have a feeling Lord Beckett has something to do with all this. So, I forced upon myself to go to his office. "Lord Beckett, Maria Swann is here to see you." Lieutenent Groves, who had been promoted to Captain says as he escorts me "ah! Miss Maria what a pleasant surprise." Lord Beckett claps his hands "I had a feeling you had something to do with my father's lack of presence at home.. and it's clear to me now that I was right." I say and he paces forward, towards me. "ah yes.. well, did your father not tell you he broke your sister out of jail? therefore, he faces the punishment of being a prisoner. I look at father with disbelief and his fallen expression proves Beckett's accusation. "father... why? we could have taken another course of action." I say as I advance towards him but was stopped as Groves held my arm. "your father has already struck a bargain with me. His authority as governor, his influence in London, and his loyalty to the East India Trading Company." "Don't you mean 'to you'? I can see how your mind works, Lord Beckett.. I've read stories about a man like you in books of fairy tales, literature and fiction a-like.. and they all end up the same way in the end.. Dead. and I know and can predict your future.. you will be vanquished, killed by the one who holds control over the ocean and the sea.. you will die.. alone..." I state as if placing a curse on him "It is not up to I to make you believe of what I said, it is your fate.. but you have been warned.." I take my arm back from Groves "you should have never made a deal with him, father... I'm disappointed that you didn't even come for me for help.. we are family after all.." I said then left, trying not to show my sorrow to any of them.. and once I was out, I ran to the only comfort that came to my mind.. the sea.

I arrived at the beach and had taken off my shoes and stepped into the water.. "James.. where are you? I need you.." I sobbed as I fell to my knees and sat on the waters, my one hand was holding my parasol and the other had fallen to the sea water.. I suddenly gasp as I started to feel pain on my right hand, the one that fell onto the water. I carefully took off my glove and stared at the odd marks that had formed on my hand. "it tis almost time for ye to gain your full power as yer almost at de age of 21, Triteia. All ye have to do is fully submerge into da sea.. and you will change to yer real form.." Calypso's voice says as if she was beside me, but when I turned to look everywhere, I didn't see her anywhere.. "Once I turn 21...submerge.." I mutter to myself then hurriedly placed my glove on and left the beach to James's home, where I would distract myself with things that reminded me of him.. It was empty, but clean since I had come here once in a while to clean because his staff had left him several months after he left...

Promises (Pirates of the Caribbean/James Norrington Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now