Parte 1- Capitulo 1

Start from the beginning

His eyes turned to the broken glass of the cross on the ground in front of the fireplace. She cleaned it and found the doors and windows were locked before going to bed.

After a long day dealing with the teeth and the children, and parents who act like children, the last thing Jane wanted to do was go to dinner. What she really wanted was to go home, put on pajamas and sleep. But she had promised her mother a dinner and so there she was, waiting for his mother with her children in a small restaurant in Monroe, Connecticut.

His mind was still focused on the night before, no matter how hard she tried not to think about it. Jane had never experienced anything like it. And yet, she had to admit she has a scary emotion from it. The unknown, thought she was crazy. And she certainly was not going to tell your mother or Phillip about anything.

Janet, mother Jane was a brilliant woman, but sometimes she lets her imagination run away with her. And while Jane wanted nothing more than to talk to his mother about the strange things that had happened the night before, she knew, as she, Janet would say it was ghosts and join conclusions about the devil. And while Jane was not really religious, Janet was; she would expect Jane to talk to priests and move house and all these other things that Jane simply did not have the money or the patience for.

Janet smiled at his daughter when she came to the table. "Hey, honey," she said, giving a kiss on the forehead Jane. "How are you?"

Jane cleared her throat and forced all thoughts of the night come out of your mind. "I'm fine, Mom," she lied. "How are you? How is Joe?" Joe was soon-to-be husband of his mother. He worked for the church, maintenance, mainly, and sometimes did the sermons when Father was not able.

"He's fine, I'm fine. So you like it here?"

"Yes it's good."

"And you, Phillip?"

"If my mother is happy to be here, I am also happy to be here too."

"You're so sweet, honey."

"All to see you smile again."

And so the afternoon was so. Jane and her mother did most of the talking, which was normal. Janet was definitely a talker. Well when it was time to say good night and for them to go home, Jane has the sudden unbearable desire to just tell her mother everything. So what was startled and demanded that they go to church? Perhaps this would be a good thing. But before Jane could tell her mother about the horror- filled the night she'd had, Janet was climbing into his car and start the engine.

Jane decided to come home, everything seemed normal. Almost like the night before had not happened. Maybe Jane could convince that did not happen. Then again, it would mean that she was crazy, was not it?

After changing clothes, Jane locked the doors and up the stairs to the Phillip's room and gave her a kiss goodnight. And so she went directly to bed. They were barely nine o'clock, but it was hit. She looked at her body in a mirror and put his hand over her stomach and massagou it. She was pregnant with her second child, was three months pregnant, and her mother knew, but did not mention at dinner. She climbed into bed and shut the lights. It was not long until she fell asleep.

An accident! made Jane and Phillip opened his eyes. A glance at the clock told him it was just after two in the morning. The accident happened again and then silence. For a minute, there was nothing and Jane just laid in bed, with his eyes on the door, her heart pounding. And she wondered if Phillip would acordade also, and he did, but in fact it was the silence that he falls asleep again. And then were slow steps; It looked like they were going up the stairs.

Jane gathered her courage and slowly slid out of bed, grabbed the baseball bat behind the door. But when she opened it, read to rock whoever had broken into his house, there was no one there. The only house phone was downstairs, so Jane slowly crawled to the stairs and started down.

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