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Zoe's POV
Ugg finally it was 6th period that meant I could almost go home but wait I have stupid detention . 😡😡
I hour later
As I walk in I see pale boy again , why would he be in detention ? He was sitting in the far left corner listening to music . Then I decided to say hi . I decided to be good person for once in my life . I walk over and say " hi my name is Zoe " (😂) he then takes headphones and says " hi I am Shawn , aren't in my history class ?" " yeah ." I reply I began to blush a bit . After a while of taking he says " Zoe Can I ask u a question ?" " yeah " I reply .
" I know we just meet but would u like to go on date with me ?" He says starting to blush " " Shawn I am really sorry but I have a boyfriend ." I say " oh , I understand ." He said . Then we just stare at each other in silence until the teacher comes back and releases us . We both walk out of school, then I say " it was meeting you !" He then says " you too " he says with a big smile while blushing a bit . Then we both part and take our separate ways .
I hoped u like it I will be updating soon hopes like it !!!! 😋😋😋

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