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Ryan gazed at the blonde boy who was leaning against the wall with his eyes focused on the black lockers across from him. He couldn't help but smirk. Ryan could tell Bryce hadn't exactly figured out who the letters were from and honestly it made his job a lot easier. Everyone knew his nickname and if Bryce went around saying it he'd know who he was by now and Ryan didn't want that just yet.

He wanted to keep it on the low at least until he was able to get the boys trust. Ryan walked with one of his best friends, Michelle, and listened to her speak. His eyes locked with Bryce's blue ones as he passed him and he couldn't help but smile at the boy who tore his gaze away in a hurry. Ryan looked to Michelle who glanced back at Bryce and then looked to Ryan with a grin. "You know he'll find out one day."

Ryan just shrugged in response and she looked forward to her girlfriend who was at Michelle's locker. She left Ryan for her which Ryan was used to by now. He loved Michelle as a sister and seeing her happy was enough to cure him of loneliness any day. Suddenly he bumped into someone causing him to reach out and grab whoever it was by the arm to keep them from falling back. His eyes locked with ice blue ones and the boy seemed to grin widely at him. "Sorry," Ryan muttered, releasing his arm.

"It's okay man." Jonathan said as he held the taller males gaze. "Don't I know you?"

Ryan blinked as he tried to remember a time he seen this man but none came to mind so he looked back down at him. "Um, I don't think so." Ryan said as a smile appeared on his face. Jonathan just seemed to laugh as his eyes lit up. "You have lunch with me. I sit with Luke." Ryan's eyes widen in shock when he realized who the boy was.

"There's a boy who sits with him..erm, Jonathan is his name I believe? He's best friends with Luke and has a crush on Evan if I'm not mistaken. He's new here too."

Ryan knew exactly who this boy was. He could remeber Columbia telling him about him when she found out who he was. He was friends with Bryce. "Oh yeah okay I know who you are." He smiled and the boy grinned childishly at him. The bell rang and they looked around. "I should probably get going, can I like, have your number?" Jonathan scratched his neck nervously.

"Uh, sure."

Ryan put his number into Jonathan's phone and waved him off as the younger male left to his class. Ryan checked the halls to see it was clear and made his way back to his locker to check it. He knew Bryce was going to leave him a note and couldn't wait any longer to read it. As soon as his door opened a piece of paper fell to the floor causing him to reach and grab it.

Dear ¿

I don't know who you are but whatever. So how bout we text instead of sending paper messages back and fourth? I mean I don't know about you but this seems like something out of a romantic movie. I'll leave you my number on the back  just in case you decide to text me. If not then just forget I mentioned it. So I am guessing you want to keep your identity a secret? That's fine.. Let's get to know each other a little better then? Hi, my names Bryce McQuaid! I love playing video games, watching tv, and chilling at home. My favorite colors consist of blue and purple.

Ryan couldn't help but smile at how fast the net had turned on him as he closed his locker. He folded the note and made his way to class, he knew he was late but didn't really care at this time. His heart wanted to burst from his chest and his stomach made him want to throw up. He didn't know why it made him this way but some reason this boy had what he wanted.


Ryan was in his last period of the day and it was nearly time to go. Columbia was playing with her short hair while popping her gum as she waited on Ryan to finish his writing. He was so nervous.

Dear McQuaid,

It does seem like something from a movie does it not? Well I like this so we should keep it going. As much as I like you I don't give my number to anyone really. Anyways, Hi. My name is ¿ and my favorite colors are gray and blue too. I also love playing video games as well. What's your favorite game mister McQuaid?

Ryan folded the paper and handed it to Columbia who only stuck her bubble in his face causing Ryan to lift his finger and jab it, making it pop all over her face. He laughed as she tried to escape the sticky mess he had created and when she did a glare was sent to him. "Not cool." She growls, chewing her gum loudly. "It's not cool to stick it in my face princess." He teased, ruffling her hair.

She swiped at his hand and hissed like a cat in disagreement. "Ha ha mister popular." She rolled her eyes and held the letter close to her as she threw her backpack on. "When are you gonna tell him?" Her question brought Ryan out of space and onto earth. "Someday.." He whispered, voice cracking. Columbia smiled and looked away from him causing him to smirk.

She knew exactly what he meant.

The bell rang and everyone began to leave, Ryan behind Columbia. As he walked out the door his phone buzzed causing him to check it and see a random number appear. He opened it.

Random: Hey it's Jonathan (:

Started with a Sticky NoteWhere stories live. Discover now