"I just, I'm so scared of what will happen. I want him gone, I want my peace and I want to be finally happy, without worries. I want to be with you, without having to think about what could happen anymore." Light sobs escaping my mouth, "I just want to be happy, Harry, is that too much to ask for?" I nestled my head further into his chest and Harry leaned backwards, taking me with him, so we were laying on the mattress, our feet tangling down at the edge.

Harry's arms were secured around my waist, one hand on the back of my head, pressing me into his neck, where I stained the collar of his shirt with my tears. All the while Harry shushed me sweetly, whispering sweet nothings in my ear, calming me down. Tears were flooding down, no end in sight as I finally let out all the emotions I held in for too long.

All the events, Harry breaking up with me, Elliot being back, Dustin, the harassment, the pain and the fear I felt this whole week. It was all coming out now, finally being released through tears.

I felt Harry's chest vibrating, when I stopped sobbing for a second to listen, that's when I noticed that he sang for me.

"Something about you," his raspy voice quietly sang, while rubbing my back, "is like an addiction, hit me with your best shot honey." he cleared his throat, "and I've got no reason to doubt you. 'Cause certain things hurt and you're my only virtue, and I'm virtually yours. And you keep coming back, coming back again, keep running round, running round my head. And there's certain things that I adore, there's certain things that I adore, but I'm certain that I'm yours, certain that I'm yours, certain that I'm yours." he rasped along the lines, making my sobs die down, calming me like no other ever could.

I felt my eyelids getting heavy, during his singing as he went on, my tensed muscles finally relaxing after being in the right arms of the right person.

That's when I drifted into a deep, not so peaceful sleep.



Even though I knew she was asleep, I still sang for her and rubbed her back, because I didn't wanted her to wake up when I got up again.

My heart ached with every look I had to take at her stressed, tired and marked face. I just wanted this all to end for her own sake. I didn't wanted to imagine what she had to go through, her face telling me some stories.

Not even the bruises I noticed after taking a proper look at them. No, her face told me everything. No matter what sound it was, when she couldn't see where it was coming from, she always flinched or slightly jumped. Anytime someone mentioned his name, she closed her eyes briefly and sometimes I could hear her breathing getting louder or she balled her fists until her knuckles went white.

I just wanted to take it all from her. To take all the pain away, all the memories and all the fear she had.

And I knew I had to do this without her.

I slowly wriggled myself out of her hold, her body instantly tensing up and her eyebrows furrowing, but I needed to go.

When I finally got up from my bed, I took my pillow and placed it next to her. She instantly grabbed it and snuggled her face into it, sighing out in relief. My beautiful girl, I thought to myself and walked out of my bedroom.

Gina, David's and Luke's heads snapped towards me, all of their eyes filled with worries.

"She passed out." I mumbled exhausted and plumped down on the couch again. "Guess she needs a good few hours of sleep, finally." Gina replied in which I nodded. "I just.. I don't know what to do." I rubbed my face.

"I don't want to have a fight, I don't want Gina to risk her life for this. There must be another way." David spoke and I totally agreed. "Me too, bro." Luke admitted. Gina of course groaned and let her head test against the headrest of my couch.

"Then I want to hear your plans." She gritted, pissed with us.
"Police." I stated, "simple as that. It doesn't always have to be like in fucking books or movies, where they don't ever think about calling the fucking police to help them. I mean, it's clear. He is .. abusive.. he's .. you know. And I'm not sitting here, while she's having so much fear and she's so stressed and I can't bare this. I can't stand seeing her like this." I almost whispered.

"I'm thinking the same. Police would be the best solution without anyone getting hurt." David supported my decision and Luke nodded in agreement.

Gina was closing her eyes forcefully, her jaw clenched and her hands balled into tight fists. "Alright," she shot, "tomorrow, we'll go to the police station." I knew she didn't wanted to go, but I couldn't care less. It was not about her, it was about what was best for Millie.

"Then it's settled. You guys wanna crash here? I'll bring you a few blankets." I lazily got up and walked into my bedroom quietly, getting some thin blankets and walking out, tossing everyone one, then we said good night and I went back to Millie.

I slowly got rid of my jeans, almost stumbling but saving me last minute by holding onto my closet. I closed my eyes and pulled my shirt over my head, tossing to somewhere.

Only now I felt how tired I actually was, slowly crawling into my bed, under the blankets and lightly pulled on them to get them out under Millie, because she was laying on top of it.

After a few minutes I finally freed them and pulled them over me and Millie, taking the pillow out of her grasp and putting my arm around her, pulling her towards my chest, where she instantly snuggled her head into my neck, her warm breath on my neck.

"I love you so so much." I tiredly whispered and kissed her forehead lightly, careful not to wake her up.

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