Chapter Two

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The apartment Irene had moved in three months ago consisted of two medium sized rooms and a hall. It wasn't that great, but it was okay considering she didn't have the privilege of affording a better one. Her best friend Lizzie's boyfriend James who was a kind man, had found this apartment for her that didn't cost much. At first, it smelled and Irene almost cried at the work she would have to do in order to tidy up the place, but when Lizzie and James offered to help her, she couldn't refuse and felt grateful once again. They helped her clean the place and provided some spare furniture for her since she couldn't buy them herself. Irene couldn't be more thankful.

When she had left everything behind her, she didn't have any place to go to. She could've stayed at the mansion that was alloted to her, but her pride wouldn't let her. She wasn't particularly fond of her own family too. Somehow, she ended up at Lizzie's doorway by evening. Lizzie took one look at a tired looking Irene and her suitcase and immediately ushered her inside. Gave her something to eat and allowed her to rest. Once Irene had woken up and walked into the living room, Lizzie and James were staring at her wide eyed, probably wondering what the hell went wrong. Irene knee there was no avoiding this as Lizzie was persistent as hell, so she sat down on the opposite sofa and told them all about her misfortune. To say that Lizzie and James were livid was an understatement. James was about to go and bash her now ex-husband until he came to his senses, but Irene had pleaded him not to. Nothing was going to come out of it anyway. It was pointless. She didn't tell them about everything that led to the divorce, only that Lucas didn't love her anymore and had asked for a divorce. Lizzie's disbelief was written all over her face and Irene could not blame her friend for not believing her words. After all, Lucas had been anything but a sweetheart to her. When Irene explained how he started distancing himself from her and how they communicated so little as each day passed, the distances in their relationship growing even though Irene tried so hard for a little bit of his attention, Lizzie and James could not understand what drove the man away, but came around to believing her. If Lizzie and james were this angry just because he divorced her, she knew they would be more than just angry at her ex-husband and his family if they knew the whole truth. So, she chose to keep quiet about it. Telling them wouldn't bring back what she lost. She lived for about two weeks with them until James had found this apartment for her on her request. She didn't want to impose on them any longer and had asked James to find her a cheap place to stay much to Lizzie's displeasure.

It was almost five months now that Irene had last seen her ex-husband. Even though she worked as a waitress in one of the famous restaurants the town had, she never ran into him nor did she once see his face. Irene didn't know whether it was because this place brought back many wonderful memories that he stayed away or it was where she worked but no matter how hard she tried not to think of him, she would always watch out for him, even though he never came.

'You need to stop staring at the door Irene, it's the third time now.' Cassie, her co-worker spoke.

Irene blinked and gave her a weak smile. 'Sorry, just a habit I guess.'

Cassie shook her head and walked back in the kitchen. Irene sighed, knowing Cassie would tell her boss about her tardiness again. Patrick was a good man and Irene didn't want him to be dissapointed in her. He had offered her a place to work when she came to this town tired and hungry. Had even offered her a place to stay until a certain grey eyed man came and sweeped her away. She knew they were worried about her, both Cassie and Patrick, but Irene picked up a habit of staring at the restaurant door, always waiting to catch a glimpse of a particular someone that her crushed her and broke her heart.

Irene shakily wiped her hands on her apron at the thought, not wanting to think about it when her boss's voice rang out.

'Irene, a second will you?'

Irene turned to meet the man's eyes. 'Hey boss, need something?'

Patrick narrowed his eyes on her. 'Yes, how about you actually do some work around here? This place doesn't run by itself you know?' His tone hard.

Irene moved her gaze to the floor in shame. 'Sorry, it won't happen again.'

Patrick's gaze softened as he looked at her slumped form 'I don't like speaking to you this way Irene, you know that, I just want you to snap out of it, he's not coming back.'

Irene met his eyes and nodded. Patrick was as kind as they came and Irene knew he only wanted the best for her, which was to stop dwelling on her past and move on. But it wasn't easy, she couldn't forget the past two years in just five months. She didn't know if she could ever move on from it.

'Good, now get to work.' Her boss spoke softly before walking back inside the kitchen.

Irene bit her lip from cursing Cassie. The girl was good no doubt and had been kind enough to her since she had started working here, but Irene couldn't take anymore of Cassie complaining to Patrick about her sad state no matter how good her intention was. So when Cassie came back out again, Irene confronted her.

'I want you to stop whining to Patrick everytime I do something wrong.' Irene spoke harshly, gritting her teeth.

Cassie was taken aback at the harsh tone, but softened her gaze at Irene. 'I just want you to keep busy Irene, and not stand staring at the door many times during the day, you wouldn't listen to me and Patrick is the only one that could make you snap out of this state of yours.'

As soon as the words left Cassie's mouth, Irene felt guilty about speaking to harshly to her. She knew her colleague only wanted to help her.

Irene sighed. 'I'm sorry, I know you mean good, but just let me be as I am alright? I'll try my best as I can, but I can't promise you anything, not so soon.'

Cassie blew a breath and sighed. 'I guess that makes sense, but please, try and move on as soon as you can, this isn't doing you any good.'

Irene wanted to scream at her and tell her that it wasn't easy to move on, but she swallowed her anger, not wanting to lash out at her when it was obvious that the girl cared for her. So instead, Irene offered her a tired smile and went back to work.

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