Chapter 40 (Honestly)

Start from the beginning

"Roffy" Valarie informed.

Ariel's eyes widened. "Roffy! What the hell would they be doing with Roffy?"

Valarie furrowed her brows. "Wait you know it?"

"Yes. Roffy is one of the street names for Rohypnol. It is a drug used commonly for date rapes. What if-. What if they used it on Dimitri? Perhaps put it in his drink or something. It would wipe him out completely and he would not have had a clue what going on. Memory loss is very common. Most victims are unable to recall the few hours they were spent under drug."

"Ahh! Valarie can you find those pills again? It would be good solid proof." Jake said.

"Um I got it in the guests' bathroom. I took one of the pills from the packet though. It's in my pants pocket in my room."

"Okay let's go get it. We are taking these fools down tonight!" Ariel hyped.

"Where is Dimitri though?" Jake asked.

"I don't know. He sort of just ran off after the wedding."

"We need to find him. His parents as well to tell them."

"So far we have enough solid evidence to prove the fraud part but the evidence to prove that they faked Leanna's pregnancy to get tied to the Osbourne's for money is only circumstantial at the moment. If there was only some dirt advantage we had on them in that aspect, we could take them out in the blink of an eye. For now, let's just try to get those pills."

"Well everyone is still here at the party so now would be the best time to go at the house. I'll tell the guard that you guys are with me."

Only a miracle kept him alive after that fall. Perhaps he had unfinished business. Pepper was almost crippled with pain on the bed. His head was bandaged in full and there were bruises and swellings all over his body. He groaned as he struggled to reach for the buzzer at the side of his leg. His thumb finger managed to press down on it and it triggered the pager on the nurse assigned to him.

She ran to his room and rushed to his side.

"Ahh Mr. Pepper! You are awake."

He tried to sit up but she placed her hand over his chest to keep him down.

"No you don't. You need to rest."

Pepper struggled to find words. "I need-"

The nurse lowered her ears to his lips. "What do you need sir?"

"I need to save them."

"Save them? Save who?"

"Paper. Pen, paper" he swirled his fingers in the air to indicate writing.

The nurse understood and reached over on the table to pick up a notepad and a pen.

Pepper fumbled to hold the pen in his hand and he forced himself to write the note. He handed it over to the nurse and she read it. She looked at him and nodded, giving him the reassurance that she would get his request done. After she checked his vitals, she ordered him back to sleep and left.

Valarie walked into her room just as her phone stretched on the last ring. The timing was on point.

"Hello" Valarie answered the phone breathlessly after sprinting.

"Hello good evening. Is this Ms. Valarie?"

"'Yes, this is she."

"My name is Jennifer Jones. I am calling from the Health Sure Medical Hospital. Mr. Pepper have been warded here in the intensive care unit."

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