Chapter 24

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Valarie trotted into the office. She was in quite a good mood. Jake had taken her for coffee before dropping her off for work and that set things off on the right page. Her mind clicked over the events of last night and she smiled for they had spent the entire night bonding. She knocked on the door twice before entering Dimitri's office. His eyes rose to meet hers and he narrowed them on her.

"Good morning" Valarie greeted in an upbeat voice.

Dimitri raised an eyebrow " Morning."

He observed her features and frowned. He was still upset from the scene he had witnessed a few minutes ago.

"What?" Valarie raised her eyebrow.

"The last time we met we weren't on good terms. Your mood was...different."

She tried to erase the memory "Well, moods change."

"Hmm I see. I wonder what could be the cause of that."

"Perhaps another guy who is nothing like you. Anyway, that's none of your business so can we just get on with this already?"

Dimitri raised his brows and reclined in her chair. He interlocked his fingers and stared intently at her.

Valarie exhaled. "Okay so since I told you that I wasn't going to make designs anymore, what is my new job? "

"I already made myself clear. There is no new job. You will continue to make designs."

"Ughh this isn't fair!" Valarie stopped her foot.

"It isn't? I think it's very fair that I'm allowing you to continue to do the thing that you do best."

"You and I both know why I don't want to continue."

"I would have considered it if you still seemed really affected but I think you might be over that by now. After all, you appeared really high spirited when you arrived this morning and I think you found someone to take your mind off all that has happened so I don't see the point claiming that the incident still affects you."

Valarie paused and narrowed her eyes on him. "What are you talking about?"

"The same guy that dropped you off this morning seemed to make you forget."

"Wait what? You were watching me?"

"Not exactly. I just happened to be looking out my window the same time and I saw."

"Well that's none of your business first of all. And it's not my fault that he happened to be the only person who have managed to make me smile these last few days."

Dimitri rolled his eyes. "'Whatever. Get back to making designs. I am busy."

Valarie coughed out a dry laugh and shook her head. "And you wonder what drew me to that other guy." She rolled her eyes and stormed out.

Dimitri ran his hand through his hair and sighed. He still had no idea why this affected him so. He had honestly planned on setting things off on a better foot with her but his ego surely fired his tongue. Curiosity rapidly consumed him and his mind ticked continuously. A sudden realization caused him to ponder on a memory. Could this have been the same guy who had answered Valarie's phone the same night she went missing? The thought only made him feel worse. She hadn't really given much of a clue that she was seeing anyone. An uneasy feeling built in his chest and a strange discovery was made. The more of Valarie he lost, the more of her he wanted.

Like any other day, Valarie and Kyle were destined to collide. She literally walked right into his arms.

"Ahh Valarie" Kyle embraced her into a hug.

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