Chapter 34

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Dimitri sat awkwardly at the table. The empty surrounding chairs only added to the mood. He and Mr. Chase sat on opposite ends of the table while the ladies sat at opposite sides close to the man of the house. Four people at a huge dining table for twelve brought no family vibe to the plate.

"So have you settled in?" Mrs. Chase questioned.

"Well I am as settled as I can be considering that I have just gotten here and I am only staying for a few days."

"How is the food?" she asked.

"Good" Dimitri responded, staring at the piece of chicken he had only taken one bite of.

"Have your father spoken to you in detail about the deal?" Mr. Chase inputted.

"Yes he gave me a good briefing. It's an excellent offer."

"I know he would not have refused. I asked for you to stay here a few days so that I can show you some of our stores before we sign the contract. It's always nice to see first-hand what you are in for."

"Ahh that will be great. My father did say what a spectacle your organisation is."

"I was at the last fashion show. Very exciting. That young lady's designs! What was her name?"

"Valarie" Dimitri reminded. "It's not a difficult name to remember."

"Sorry, I have always been horrible with names. "

"Soon enough she will be a name that you will never forget. I thought it had already reached to that phase but I guess not. Anyway, what made you come up with the idea for this deal? What exactly spiked your interest in us?"

"I have been monitoring you guys for some time now. How my organization works is that we look for potential candidates, mainly in the fashion sector that are thriving but can explode in terms of profits if they are given the right exposure. After that last show with all the drama and the big reveal and those spectacular designs, your organization fell perfectly into my basket. I know your profits have already increased but I am the publicity master. I can increase it much more. On a side note, my wife and daughter adore your designs so I would order from you regardless."

"Ahh! I as well as my father is pleased. It's flattering that you took interest in us."

"We are pleased that you have accepted our offer. I won't keep you too long tonight. I have a day planned for tomorrow so you'll need to get some rest. I know that flight must have been exhausting."

"Yes, it was a bit of a rush and the turbulence on the plane was almost unbearable."

"Oh dear. Well we will definitely let you get an early rest tonight then" Mrs. Chase said considerately. "

They finished up dinner and John followed his wife into the kitchen after they said their good nights. Dimitri was left alone with the darling daughter at the table. These people had a way of running off and leaving their pet behind.

She sat with legs crossed, tapping her fingers rhythmically on the table. His head pulsed more intensely at the sound. Dimitri massaged his temple and frowned.

"Are you okay" Leanna asked.

"Uh yes. I'm fine. I am going to bed."

He stood up from his seat and turned towards the stairs.

"I'll walk you up" she suggested.

"There is no need. I can find my way" Dimitri refused.

"I am going to my room anyway so I'll kill two birds with one stone."

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