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Will's Pov.

Me and Lucas sat in the hardware store looking at Brad slumped over, blood all over his
shirt. "Rise and shine bitch." Lucas walked over to him slapping his face causing him to flinch. It was 8 in the morning and this nigga was looking barely human. We fucked him up pretty good I can't lie. Amari been calling my phone all night but I wasn't for it, all she was going to do was ask questions she ain't want the answers to.

"P-please take me home, I p-promise I-I won't tell no one." He begged me moving his jaw around. "No bitch!" Lucas yelled out taking a bite from his biscuit. I laughed shaking my head at him, shiid he took the words from my mouth. I pulled the available chair up next to him examining his fucked up face.

Why should I let you go home? Now look, I took a bite of my chicken biscuit and grabbed his face. You raped my girl, you caused problems in my life so why shouldn't I fuck up yours? "You fucked with the right niggas kid."

Amado's POV.

I've been calling Will all night and got no answer. I was emotionally drained from our fights this past week. But for him just to leave and not come back had me concerned but mad. I just needed a break from him to get Amari together. I loved Will with all of me and I admired the man he is but I couldn't anymore. A break didn't mean breaking up, it's just time alone. I walked to the closet and grabbed my duffle bag packing a few things, I knew if I stayed here with Will I'll end up killing him. Tasha was at work so I didn't have to worry about here being nosey asking me where I was going.

Will's POV.

Me and Lucas was wrapping things up so we could leave. We damaged his phone so chances of finding him was a few to none. He wasn't going nowhere no time soon, wouldn't be surprised if that nigga starve to death.

"Aye you think we went to far?" Lucas looked back at the abandon store as we drove away. "Will we done hit plenty of licks together but this shit another ball game. We kidnapped a nigga." I can't lie a nigga was scared his self but I couldn't let that show, if Lucas seen me fold he think it'll be an excuse for him.

Nah, bro we gone be straight I promise. We don't gotta worry about this shit no more. When he wake up he won't remember shit. He probably think it was 50 niggas in the room. Lucas laughed to his self.

Plus who would expect two niggas in an uppity ass residential area at 1 in the morning anyway?

Amari's POV.

Will's been blowing my phone up for the last 20 minutes like shit was cool. I was finished packing and I sat on the edge of the bed reminiscing on the past. "Amari?" .... "Baby?" ..

I could hear the door close and his deep voice fill the halls. "Wassup girl?" He finally found me upstairs in the bathroom. He tried kissing me but I moved my head pushing him. I can't believe he was really acting like shit didn't happen. "Where you going?" He peeped them bags I guess.

Will we need to talk. "Okay." He leaned against the door crossing one leg over the other giving me his undivided attention. Will I think we need a break because a lot has been happening. I look down playing with the diamond ring he gave me a while back. "What the hell you talking about girl?" He walked up to me grabbing me but I pushed him away. "Damn, so it's like that,huh?"

I wiped my tears away avoiding eye contact. "I didn't do shit to you Amari. I was beating Brad ass last night taking care of shit for us. That's at least 3 charges on my head if I get caught up!" He yelled slamming his hand on the bathroom counter top which made me flinch a bit.

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