Chapter 23: Be Still and Breathe

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Two weeks later.

RJ was busily making breakfast for Maine in the kitchen of his Uncle house. Since Jerald moved out for university and his uncle spent most of his time at work, RJ was almost always alone here.

Cracking an egg, he watched as it sizzled on the frying pan. RJ thought it would be great if Maine joined him for breakfast, so there she was; in the living room waiting for her meal.

Maine said she'd help with making breakfast, but Maine didn't look all that well, and so naturally he refused her offer.

It had been occurring for the past week now; her health deteriorating quickly. Maine was getting weaker day by day, her face more pale as the hours past; it scared RJ to death.

He couldn't bear with the thought of the girl leaving him, and what was more nerve wracking was that their wedding was scheduled a month and a half from today.

Seriously, if he could, RJ would marry her in a heartbeat, but typically, planning a wedding took time.

All RJ could do was pray for a miracle, which he did, everyday.

"So, what drink do you want? I think I have some orange juice in the fridge" he yelled from inside the kitchen.

There was no answer.

RJ waited for a few more seconds, a frown slowly sliding down his lips. Trying again, he cried "Meng?"

Still there was no answer.

RJ's heart skipped a beat as he rushed over to the living room where an unconscious girl laid on the floor.

His heart dropped quickly as he lunged towards Maine, enveloping her in a hug.

"Meng, wag mo gawin sakin to... please wake up?" He desperately whispered to her ear. It was useless, Maine couldn't hear. Time stopped for a second, this moment proved too suffocating.


"I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news" RJ's mother started Mr.Mendoza and RJ were again seated in the dreadful office. RJ never thought that he could come to despise such a room in his life, but this proved to him that he could.

Everyone was tense, the apprehension filled the space inside the compact suite.

Tick Tock Tick Tock

The anxiety was building up as the light from the ceiling reflected on the doctor's framed glasses, preventing anyone from seeing her grave eyes. Filling in her lungs with air, Maine's father meekly spoke "Okay, what is it?"

"Three days" she grimly responded before leaning on the wooden desk, a sigh escaping her lips. RJ clenched his jaw as he pounded his fist on the arm chair, eyes already brimming with tears.

The disappoint, the sorrow, and the heartache was easily readable on his features.

"A-Anong ibig mong sabihin?" Mr.Mendoza stuttered, he already knew what the woman was talking about, but he needed the affirmation.

"Her right ventricle is on the brink of collapsing, her heart is desperately trying to pump the blood into the body. If we don't find a donor soon, I can only say that she's got a few more days to live; three to be precise"

Where was that miracle when you needed it the most?

Since I was born I had assumed that the world ran on very simple lines, now I know that the world was complicated, with never ending loops. Why do I keep insisting myself to walk in a straight line, when I went round and round and still got there all the same?

Everything is different (Aldub fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum