Chapter 20: Graduation Gowns

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Graduation, a stepping stone on people's lives, a fork on the road. It's the day that marks your independence, the life ahead of you. It also marks separation; from old friends that are leaving, from the care-free life you've always known, from the dreams you thought you could pursuit but just couldn't. For some people, high-school was the epitome of joy in their life and for others... well they couldn't wait to get out of this hell.

Each have different experiences and highlights of high-school, but one thing is for sure; you' ll always remember those years, whether it be good or bad.


They were all seated down on the cushioned chairs as they stared at the front of the stage with awe. It seemed all too surreal, they just couldn't believe that they were graduating today. Nervously, RJ clutched on his white graduation gown as he wiped the swept from his palms.

Jerald who was seated to his right, was busily munching on the granola bar he hijacked inside.

Maine, to his left was watching the ceremony with wonder and elation. Located beside Maine was Valeen and Jake.

The mic turned on as everyone shifted their attention to the valedictorian who stood on the center of the stage, speech in hand.

"Good Afternoon respected guests and members of the community, staff, family, friends and fellow graduates. I am absolutely honored to be standing here representing the graduating class of 2016. On behalf of the graduates, I would like to thank you for joining us on this auspicious occasion."

He began running through his speech as the graduating class watched him, some in tears, some in smiles, and some in reflection.


Jerald was first to walk on stage. The wise, observant, dorky cousin of RJ. He had a lot going for him as he registered for a business degree. It was bittersweet for RJ as the university Jerald's enrolled in was a few cities away.

RJ would miss all the times they've had together; from his mad obsession with food, to their talks, to their wild plans, he'd miss his cousin.

The group of friends watched as the boy walked to the stage, desperately trying to swallow the second granola bar he had stuffed inside his mouth just a minute ago. They all cheered as he accepted his diploma with a smile.

"UNGGOY!!!" Louise and Coleen yelled from the guest seats.

RJ cackled with an amused expression as he glanced at the two cousins who we're cheering a bit too loudly.

"I'm related to them, how?" Maine asked herself in disbelief as RJ pulled her in for a quick comforting hug.

The second was Jake. He nervously walked on stage with a melancholic smile as he gracefully took the diploma with his unbandaged arm.

The boy who had a one-sided love towards his best friend, the boy who would always supply them with the necessary equipment for their idiotic plans, the boy who supported them in everything. Jake was strong, grounded and RJ really looked up to him. He was a great friend, and RJ was glad they shared a fun and memorable year together.

The third from the group was Valeen who had tears in her eyes before elegantly walking on stage and accepting the diploma. Though RJ didn't get to know the girl all that well, he was grateful for everything she did. From helping with anything and everything, to hanging out with them, to just being there. For some reason, he would feel empty without her around; the group just wouldn't be complete without Valeen. Wherever life took her, RJ hoped that she'd succeed in everything and more.

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