"Stiles. Stiles I'm going to need you to slow your breathing okay. You need to clam down," the doc soothes.

"I-I c-can-n't," I stutter between breaths. "D-dere-k?"

"I'm here?!" He kneels down in front of me and takes my shaking hands. "Look at me okay? Stiles. Look at me." I do as he says and concentrate on slowing my breathing. But it doesn't help. He sees this and holds my face, making me look at him. I'm scared and he can see that. "Stiles? Stiles it's going to be okay. Trust me. You're going to be fine, I won't let anything happen to you." His words do calm me and my breathing begins to return to its normal pace. There is a collected sigh of relief from everyone in the room.

Deaton returned to his spot over at the table and everyone else follows, leaving Derek and I in the corner of the room. I sit there in the chair, still catching my breath while Derek rubs soothing circles on my back. I tune in to the conversation Deaton and the rest of the pack are having.

"So you spent three months in another country and found nothing?" Allison asked in disbelief.

"Pretty much yes. I thought I had found something, but it turned out to be nothing." Deaton in explains.

"Come on. There has to be something? There can't be nothing?" Scott pressed.

"I'm sorry. I wish I had more to tell you all. I really do. But there was nothing."

"There's always something," Scott argues. I couldn't believe he was doing this. Deaton said he found nothing. Not a thing, but he wouldn't take no for an answer. A pain shot across my stomach and I winced. I was so fed up with all this aching crap. Day and night, non stop.

"I'm sorry Scott. Not this time." Deaton apologised again.

"But there --"

"SCOTT. FOR GODS SAKE, SHUT UP!! HE SAID HE DIDN'T FIND ANYTHING!!" I scream at him standing up, nocking the chair backwards. Everyone snaps around to me, shocked and Derek takes a couple of steps back from me. The room is dead silent and I just glare and the staring faces.

"Stiles..." Scott asks timidly.

What!?" I snap back at him.

"Your eyes," he says staring at me like he's seen a ghost.

"Why about my God damn eyes?!"

"They're glowing!"

I snap around or the mirror and see that my normally brown eyes are glowing a bright shade of yellow. I blink my a couple of times, shaking my head. When I look back at the mirror they've disappeared.

"What was that?!" I ask. Looking back at Deaton questionably.

"I don't know?" He frowns at me. "A side affect o the baby being part werewolf I suppose."

"But why is this happening now?!" I am totally freaked out. Seeing my own eyes change so harshly was quite a scary thing to witness.

"My best guess is that because you were stressed and carrying all this extra weight and strain, your body finally snapped. The werewolf was always there, ever since you conceived, and that little bit of stress finally pushed you over the edge." Deaton explains.

"You mean that this was going to happen eventually anyway?" I couldn't believe it. Because of this baby, I was now 'part werewolf'.

"Yes. It was. Although I didn't think that it would happen this early in the pregnancy. I was expecting at least six months, not four and a half."

I gulp. "So... What happens now?"

"Well. From now on, whenever you're stressed, angry, scared, any extreme emotions and your eyes will change. Also full moons and such."

I took a deep breath trying to process all of what Deaton had just said. I looked up a Derek who was wearing the same face I was. Shock.

"Is there anything else. Will he have any other side affects?" Derek asked, reading my mind.

"As far as I can tell, no. But like I've said, I only have limited information. So some of this is new to even me."

"So... There's still a chance that something else will happen to me?"

"It's unlikely, but yes. There is a chance." I bow my head and nod. A thought springs to mind. "What about the baby? It won't hurt it will it?" I couldn't stand the thought of me hurting my own child. It would drive me insane.

"There's nothing to worry about. The baby will be fine. None of this should have any affect on it. But to be sure we can do an ultrasound tomorrow if you like?"

"That sounds great." I couldn't wait to see him again. It's been so long. I made a decision then and there that I wasn't going to let fear of what could happen control me. There was no changing this. And frankly, I didn't want to.

Hey. Another chapter. Yay.
So this is the last "pre-made" chapter so updates will be a little slower. Sorry about that.
Please comment and vote and whatever else.
Luv ya's all.

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