Morning After

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<<< Stiles' POV >>>

I woke up to the sun steaming through the curtains. It was bright on my face. I squirmed around under the covers of the double bed and reached my hand out to the other side but it felt cold to touch. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, yawning. I could smell something cooking so I got up to investigate.

I followed my nose to the kitchen and found Derek standing over the stove swaying his hips slightly to the music playing on the TV in the background.

I snuck up behind him (or as much as you could sneak up on a werewolf), wrapped my arms around his waist, snuggling my head into his back.

"Good morning Sourwolf," I mumbled into his back.

"Good morning Stiles," he replied with a smile in his voice.

"Whatcha cookn'?" I asked resting my chin on his shoulder.

"Bacon and eggs," he said simply. Then he spun around in my arms so he could face me. He put his hands on my waist and I placed mine on his arms. I could feel the tightness of his biceps under his shirt.
"How are you feeling?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"Better now," I replied with a smile. Last night had been my third full moon and it was the worst so far. Deaton had sent me another type of herb to deal with the pain and I could have only imagined what it would have been like if I didn't have the drugs in my system. I could see now why so many before me had died. The pain was unbearable.

I had spent the night at Derek's again because I was more comfortable here when it came to the full moon and it was only us. There was no one around to listen to my cries and screams. It had gotten so bad last night that Derek had brought me to his room and lied me down on the bed in an attempt to make me more comfortable. He had taken some of my pain which had helped a little but I stopped him when he looked like he was about to pass out. He said that he could do it but I wouldn't let him. I didn't want him to hurt like I was. After about three hours of this I couldn't do it anymore and I begged him to just knock me out for the rest of the night. He was reluctant to do it because he was worried that he would hurt me and the baby, but I argued that it would hurt us both more if I was awake thrashing about. So the last thing I remember about last night was him kissing me on the forehead and whispering sorry to me before knocking me out.

Derek smiled down at me and pecked me on the lips. He moved his hands around so they resting on my stomach and I smiled widely up at him. He ran his hands over the hard bump on my belling and looked down at it in amazement.

I was three and a half months now and already I had a baby bump, but really it just looked like I had put on a few pounds.

Deaton had warned me that soon I would start to be feeling a bit of soreness and discomfort due to different things growing, moving and shrinking inside of me. I just hoped that none of it would be as bad as the full moons.

We broke apart. Derek went back to cooking and I went over the the coffee machine to make us both a drink. I got two cups out of the cupboard and Derek gave me a stern look. I sighed rolling my eyes and put one of the cups back. He was very touchy about about what I ate and drank. Making sure that I didn't have anything that could hurt the baby.

I pulled out a glass and filled it with orange juice instead. We sat down to breakfast and I ate hungrily. I hadn't gotten any weird craving yet but that was sure to come.

"So Deaton rang this morning. He said that he wouldn't be back for another few weeks," Derek said and I nodded. I wished that Deaton would come back, I was starting to get worried.
"He thinks he may have found something though, so that's promising."

What's happening to me? - Sterek - MPregWhere stories live. Discover now