CH 11 | "I kinda love you too."

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"Why do you have to be such an asshole?" I yell. My voice echoed across the empty hallways of the house, making me realize how bare everything was.

"That's always how it is, huh? I'm always the asshole? What about you?" He sneered, a look of disgust on his face. He spat out the words, each word laced with pure anger. "You're the one who chose to leave."

"Fuck you! You never wanted me to stay. You drove me away. You never loved me." I say, immediately regretting the words that came out of my mouth.

He stopped, his face transforming from hatred to hurt. "How could you say that?" 

"No, I'm sorry, I didn't-"

I couldn't take back what I said, each accusation piercing him like a dagger through the heart.

"I gave you everything. Everything I had, everything I did, every single fucking thing was for you. For us."

"I'm-I'm sorry." Tears started to run down my face, and here we are, two opposite sides of the room, almost miles away from each other.

"Don't ask me for something that you never even gave me in the first place." Tears started to well up in his eyes, and I knew he reached his limit. "Between the two of us, I'm the one who deserves an explanation. I deserve an acceptable reason."

I knew that we would never be the same again.

"AND CUT!"  Dan shouted over the megaphone. "That was amazing, Rob and Kristen. Amazing work."

Rob ran to me, immediately wrapping me in his warm embrace. He gave me a quick kiss and pulled away, completely contradictory to the scene we filmed earlier.

"Fucking hell, Dan! I thought this was a romantic comedy?" I grabbed a tissue, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"It is!" He says, getting up from the director's chair and grabbing his script from the table.

"Did we really have to shoot the break-up first?" I asked. It was so hard to shoot this, especially since it felt so real.

"Sorry, Kris. It's so we can get everything in this set already and set-up the next. This is the only scene we need to shoot here." He shrugs and calls the set design crew to fix the set for the next scene. Rob wraps an arm around my shoulder, holding me close against him.

"You okay, love?" He asks me.

"This is crazy. Why did we sign up for this? This isn't real right? This isn't us." I ask him for confirmation. I didn't want the lines between reality and fiction to blur together.
"Of course it's not, Kris. The reality is infinitely better."


"Mmm. Oh my god, this is fucking amazing." I moan between bites. We wrapped up filming for the day, and it was almost midnight. Dead tired and pretty much lazy to whip something up, we decided to have pizza delivered.

"Jesus christ, this is the best thing I've ever tasted." He stopped to look at me. "Next to you, of course." The fucker winked at me.

"Nice try. You're not getting laid tonight. I'm too fucking tired to do anything." I say, plopping down on the sofa in my trailer. Rob sits on the other side of the couch, propped up my feet and started to massage it. Oh god, he's a gift from the heavens.

"It's okay. Wanna crash at my place tonight? We don't have to be on set until noon." He asks, lying down beside me to cuddle. He peppers me with small kisses and I smile, my eyes drooping with drowsiness.

"Sure, baby." I blinked, once, twice, fighting to stay awake. Eventually, I couldn't fight anymore, closing my eyes.

"Hey, Kristen." I heard him whisper in my ear just as I drifted off to sleep. "I love you."
Just as he said this, he gave me a soft peck on the cheek. I mumble in response before completely falling asleep.

"I kinda love you too."


"Kristen?" Rob asks, flipping through the script beside me.

"What?" I ask, an irritated tone to my voice. It wasn't because I lacked sleep. No, after crashing at Rob's last night, I was all well rested.

The morning lovin' also helped.

I was irritated because he was being a li'l shit about what I said last night.

"I kinda need help with my lines."

"Really?" I narrow my eyes at him. He had his lines nailed already, so I highly doubted he needed help.

"Yeah. Kinda."

This fucker was messing with me!

"Oh, fuck off." I gave him the finger, not bothering to look up from my script. He just laughed at my irritation.

"I also kinda want a coke."

I muttered under my breath, cursing myself for being an idiot last night.

"And pizza. Kinda want some now."

All right. I've had enough.

"Fucking hell, Robert. I know it was stupid to say that I kinda love you, but I was sleepy as fuck. And if you think you're going to get me to say I love you in the middle of this shitty trailer, you've got another thing coming." I huffed.

"Oh no. That will do nicely." He said with a smirk. Oh, fuck. He got me.

That sneaky fucker.



The movie scene they were shooting was inspired by the Filipino film Starting Over Again. The "I deserve an explanation/acceptable reason" line was from the movie.

The last part of the story (the kinda love you part) is inspired by a Twilight fanfic, QuantumFizzx's The Plan. All kinds of adorable, that fanfic.

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