CH 03 | "Seriously? You met an actor on Tinder?"

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"Kristen! Great to see you!" Dan stands up to greet me. We were at a coffee shop, so everyone else was busy with their laptops open.

"Hey Dan! You too." I gave him a hug. "So, I heard you got a new project for me." I take a seat across from him as he lays out a stack of papers held together with a bulldog clip. I saw scribbles on the margins, the text set in a typewritten font. That must be the script.

Dan chuckles. "Yeah, I do. Here it is, actually." He waves his hand in front of the papers, confirming my guess. "I have to tell you, it's a bit different from what you're used to." I chuckle. Honestly, I'm so used to out-of-this-world roles, from rock stars to personal assistants, from horror to drama, my roles had nothing in common with each other.

"Yeah? Try me." I say, bouncing in my seat, excited for what he had in store for me. "You don't mind if I have a cup of coffee, do you?" I ask, grabbing the mug in front of me.

"Yeah, sure. Go ahead, Kris." I was carefully sipping the hot coffee when he dropped the bomb on me. "So, this movie. It's a RomCom."

Wait. What?

I accidentally drink too much, making me end up in a coughing fit.

"Are you okay, Kris?" Dan asks out of concern. I shake my head and compose myself.

"No, yeah. Yeah. I'm okay. It's just- It's a RomCom? Me? The girl who never smiles?" I stare at him. Was he nuts? Me?

"Oh, come on. Kris, you're a brilliant actress and you know it. And you smile!" He says. "Besides, let me finish my pitch so I can prove that you're perfect for the role!"

I couldn't help but snort. "Yeah, right." He rolls his eyes and continues.

"Come on, Kris! All I need is a few minutes of your time. I really think you'll love it. At least listen to me out of friendship and shit." He's practically begging me. Knowing him, he'd crawl down on his knees to beg me. I gave him a punch on the shoulder. Sigh.

"Shut up, Dan! It's a good thing I love you. Go. Show me what you got."

"You're the best!" And so, he tells me the story, the treatment of the film, the characters. I listen intently. To my surprise, turns out I loved the premise of the film.

After an hour or so, he was done with his pitch. "So, what did you think?" He looked at me nervously, waiting for my reaction.

Finally, I smiled. "Damn, Dan. That's pretty fucking good. I'm in."

"You are? You better not be fucking messing with me, Kris. I would die." His face contorted with horror. Damn, he should be an actor with his theatrics.

"Stop being so dramatic, Dan. Seriously. I love it. It's not your typical RomCom. I think we can pull this off."

"Right? I hate the typical bullshit in RomComs. It's too unrealistic. People want something that's relatable and real. Not some perfect CEO who screws his perfect assistant." That causes me to laugh out loud.

"Damn straight. When do we start?" I ask. This is actually exciting.

"Probably a few months. We still have to search for the rest of the cast. But honestly, when we were working on the screenplay, I immediately thought of you." A grin was still plastered on his face, showing how excited he was.

"Sure, but I hope you get me a hot lead actor. I am not doing sex scenes unless he's hot. That's the only thing I need to sign this contract." I said, earning a chuckle from him.

"You got it, Ms. Stewart." He says with a wink. We started to catch up on personal affairs, his wife and baby, me and my non-existent love life. Then, I told him about my Tinder meet-up.

"Seriously? You're not fucking with me. You met an actor on Tinder? That's like straight out of a movie." He continues to laugh, not believing my story. "Is this anyone I know?"

"Shut up, Dan! I told you not to judge me. And I'm keeping it a secret until next time. But knowing the paps, you might catch it on the tabloids anyway."

"Well, I'll call you tomorrow, seeing as you're getting busy tonight." He wags his eyebrows at me. I crumple a bunch of tissue then throw it at him.

"Fuck you, Dan!" We were both laughing hard, causing other people in the coffee shop to look our way.

"Oh no. I'm married. Maybe the hot actor will do that to you later." He smirks.

"Oh god. Why am I friends with perverts?" I sigh, falling back against the plush armchair.

"Like you don't want to get laid, Kris? Come on. Let's get going so you can prepare for your date with Mr. Tinder." We fix our things, promising to talk again soon to fix the rest of the logistics of the movie. After we parted ways, I receive a text message.

Reminding you about our date later, beautiful. See you. 😊 - R

A smile spreads across my lips. I haven't even seen him yet and he makes me smile like a ridiculous fangirl. I decided to mess with him.

Sorry, who's this? - K

Very funny. After tonight, you'll never forget me again. - R

Of course. I'm fucking hilarious. 😜- K

See you later! I'll be the handsome one at your door by 7. 😉 - R

I'll be waiting. 😉 - K


A/N I didn't know how to end this, actually, so I'm sorry. I was supposed to do the date chapter, but thought this would be fun. Bear (🐻) with me. I'm not going to write angst because I live for fluff and shit.

Also, this was supposed to be the text convo, but decided it would be too much probably so I'll just leave this here (LOLJK I LIVE FOR THIS SHIT TBH)

Reminding you about our date later, beautiful. See you. 😊 - R

Sorry, who's this? - K

Very funny. After tonight, I'll have you screaming my name so many times, I promise you won't forget my name ever again. 😏 - R

Leave a comment and tell me what you think because y'all know that's what I live for.

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