Chapter 1

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The beginning of ninth grade:

"Hey Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's Elite. With a new school year comes new responsibilities, new romances, new students and most importantly new scandals. Speaking of new students, I hear there is a new girl at Constance this year. In the same year level as Manhattan's IT Girl Serena Van Der Woodsen and queen bee Blair Waldorf. As soon as I find out about her I will keep you updated I promise! Let's hope everyone has a drama filled first day back at school. XOXO Gossip Girl."


I sit in class with an empty seat next to me, Serena's seat. She is already an hour late to school on the first day of ninth grade. I haven't even spoken to her for the past three weeks all I've seen are pictures of her and Georgina Sparks out at clubs getting drunk and hooking up with guys. I send my boyfriend Nate Archibald a text:

ME: "Have you heard from or seen Serena this morning, I haven't seen Georgina either. They are probably off doing something stupid. Ask Chuck if you're with him xx"

NATE: "Sorry neither of us have heard from her. Just try and focus on school, I'll see you at lunch xx"

About ten minutes after I finished texting Nate, Serena walks in with her top half unbuttoned and hair un brushed.

"Serena did you show up late AND hungover on the first day off school? We need to make good impressions, good role models for the new, younger and uglier students!" I say to my best friend Serena.

"Don't worry 'B' I just slept in and didn't get time to brush my hair, I'm sorry if I worried you. Now I haven't seen you in weeks tell me, how are things with you and Nate going?" She asks me.

"Now is not the time to discuss my love life, in fact if you really wanted to know you would have at least called me lately and not traded me in for Georgina."

"I didn't trade you in for Georgina, B. You're my best friend. I'm sorry I haven't called for weeks, I lost my phone to some guy, long story."

"Whatever we'll talk about it later. But right now I see Headmistress Queller coming into the room so try to look presentable."

Serena quickly brushes her hair out with her fingers as the headmistress of Constance Billard walks into our class room with a girl. She is tall, brunette, pretty, hazel eyed. If I was anyone but Blair Waldorf, Queen Bee, I would think she was a total threat!

"Listen up girls! Welcome back to a new school year, I hope you had a great vacation and stayed out of trouble" As Headmistress Queller says this she stares at Serena, "Anyway I would like to introduce a new student to your class, Miss Emily King. She moved here all the way from Australia, so please make her feel welcome. Thank you." Headmistress Queller leaves, leaving us with the new girl. I examine her; she is wearing the school skirt with a white shirt and converse, ew. Our teacher basically forces her to say a few things about herself,

"Hi everyone, as you heard I'm Emily King. I just moved here from Australia because my dad was producing a show in Australia but he got an opportunity to work over here. So I guess that's all that I really have to say. Um, I look forward to getting to know you all."

She sits down in the only spare seat, the one on the other side of me! I decide to be a nice person for once and introduce myself,

"Hi, I'm Blair Waldorf, welcome to Constance and welcome to America I guess!"

I look at Serena to introduce her to Emily but she is fast asleep on the desk!

"Anyway I guess I'll fill you in on all the 'goss.' So I'm the Queen of this school, anyone who tries to take that title from me will be banished from the island,"

"Banished? That's a little dramatic." Emily asks.

"Yes, Banished! I've done it before and I will do it again. So back to what I was saying," I get out my phone to show her photos of me and my friends, "That's my boyfriend Nate Archibald. Hand off! This is Chuck Bass, complete womanizer and perv! But Nate is best friends with him for some twisted reason so I guess I have to be friends with him too. This is Serena Van Der Woodsen, or you may know her as the girl who's sleeping next to me and the last person on my list of 'people important enough to remember the names of' is Georgina Sparks, I don't actually like her that much but she's Serena's second best friend, after me of course and all they really do is go partying together and have threesomes. Did you get all that?"

"I think so, when can I meet your boyfriend who I forgot the name of and Chuck? he seems nice!" She asks.

"His name is Nate and lucky for you, I like you so far, so you can hang out with us at lunch. BTW Chuck Bass is not nice he is a complete douchebag, but if you're into that then go ahead. He will basically sleep with anything with a pulse, so you're in luck!"

We talk through the rest of class and I am actually starting to like her. The lunch bell goes and wakes Serena up. I introduce the two and we all walk over to the spot that we meet the boys and Georgina every day. It's time to introduce Emily to Nate, Chuck and Georgina!

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