The Last Night at the Dudlow's

Start from the beginning

“After I was born she had left. I was left in the cradle alone. I could have died, but my brother had come back early from visiting family friends and found me. No one knew why she ran away. When I was older I asked my dad. The only answer she gave me was that her spirit was wild. He wouldn’t say anything else.”

“You’ve had sad moments in your life.”

“Every one does, I don’t think you can avoid them. What about you do you? Where is your family?”

“Like you they died when I was ten. They were murdered.”

“I’m sorry it must have been hard.”

“It was, no one told me why they were killed. I was to young to understand and I just let other decide my life for me.”

“And now your a chambermaid for the queen.”

Beth shrugged. “It my family had lived I would not be so close to the queen.My life would have been much different as I am sure yours would be had your mother stayed and had your father lived”

“I guess so.”

“I’m going to the wedding tomorrow and hopefully after that I will be going home.”

“Shouldn’t you be there now, while the queen is getting ready for the wedding.”

“No, it might not be safe for me yet, I’ll watch from a distance and decide from there. Besides I’m not ready to say goodbye to yet.” Beth smiled and that smile gave Dillon a little jolt of energy.

Dillon bowed to Beth. “You have my service my lady.”

Beth looked a little at his act, but quickly recovered, She curtsied back to him. “It will be a pleasure to be in your company my lord.”

Dillon laughed. “Imagine, us a lord and lady. The world would never be the same.”

Beth seemed little subdued. “The world is not the same.”

Missus Dudlow came in with a beleaguered Master Dudlow, the top half of his body was soaking wet.

“Help me get this lug into bed, he can barely stand.”

“What happened?”

“I doused him with a bucket of cold water to sober him up, unfortunately it was not cold enough to wake him up from his stupor. At least he obeyed me afterwords. I swear strong ale just make men stupid.”

“What about Mire?”

“That fool, he got doused to, but I’m not done with him or the twins yet. Mire will be married by the end of the week to someone who can control his bad habits and the twins will be finding that their wives have them on a leash.”

Dillon winced at the conviction in Missus Dudlows voice.

Beth blanched. “I think I’ll be turning myself in for the night.”

“Do that girl. This is no sight for fine girl like you.”

Beth ran upstairs and shut the door.

Dillon guided the swaying Dudlow up the stairs. At times he thought he would roll down the stairs taking him along for the ride. After much, pushing pulling and cajoling they got him upstairs.

“Don’t put him into bed yet. Have to strip the fool and give him some dry clothes. I may be mad at him now, but it would not do if he were to get pneumonia. He has years of punishment for this and anything new that crops up before I let him die.”

Dillon sat him down on a chair and aided Missus Dudlow in removing his clothing, in short time they had him dressed in dry bed cloths. Master Dudlow had fell asleep in the chair and they were unable to wake him up. Dillon tried to pull him out of the chair, but ended with Master Dudlow on top of him. Missus Dudlow helped and through sheer effort they managed to get the dead weight off of him and into the bed.

Missus Dillon pulled the covers over her husbands chest. “That took more effort than pulling a plow.”

Dillon had to agree, he was sweating more from this chore than when helping rebuild the barns and homes in this village. Both Dillon and Missus Dudlow went down to the kitchen. He sat down in one the chairs that was rescued from the destruction, even the table was the same. It had more scars from the storm, but it gave it some character. Missus Dudlow poured some tea, drinking it he could taste wild berries. Missus Dudlow sat in the chair opposite him.

“So Dillon, Beth will most likely be leaving tomorrow. Will you be going with her?”

“Yes, she wants to see the wedding first than she’ll go back home. She’s the queens chambermaid. Did you know that?”

Missus Dudlow wrinkled her nose. “I knew she was close to he queen, but she never told me she was a chambermaid.”

“Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t let her know that you told me.”

“Thank you.”

“When you go with her keep your eyes open and no matter what happens be there for her.”

“You almost sound as if you expect something bad will happen.”

Missus Dudlow rubbed her chin. “I don’t know what’s going to happen, I can just guess at it. Things probably changed since the girl left palace and she may not like those changes. That wedding will be one of the changes that will affect her.”

“Why? It’s not like she is getting married,”

“No, it’s not, but they may not need or want her in the palace and that palace is the place she calls home. If that home is taken away from her I’m sure it is devastating. I do know that she has no family left and will not have a place to go to if circumstances decides she should not be allowed back tot he palace.”

“I never thought of that. What can I do?”

“Well, keep a close eye on her as I asked.If she runs away follow her don’t loose sight of that girl. If someone hurts her, get her away from them and run. If you hear something that will shock you, still don’t abandon that girl.”

“You really care about her don’t you?”

“More than you realize, don’t you care about her?”

“I do, I wouldn’t want anything to hurt her.” Dillon brushed his lip with his finger tips. “I care more about her now than I had before.”

Missus Dudlow gave him a knowing look. “Good, then you have more reason to protect her.” She tapped her fingers on the table. “You know, just the other day I suggested that she stay here on the farm and help us, she live here for the rest of her life.

“That’s funny Master Dudlow said basically the same thing to me.”

“Not funny at all. It would be a good move, you could settle down here, take care of us in our old age and make sure the farm was running. It would also be nice to see kids running around.”


“Of course, it would be unseemly if you both lived on the farm and did not marry. You’d be great together and the kids you have would be wonderful.”

Dillon stood up opened his mouth nothing came out and he sat back down.

“I had even mentioned it to Beth earlier today.”

“You suggested to Beth that she and I should be married?”

“Of course, I didn’t mention anything about kids.”

Dillon was flustered, he didn’t realize how manipulative Missus Dudlow was. She should have taken notice when she had been talking about Mire and the twins. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to marry anybody yet.”

“But were too young.”

“Your not that far from being adults, but you could wait a little bit.”

Dillon had no nothing left to say.he liked the girl and enjoyed the kiss. He wanted more kisses from her, but he never thought about marriage. He stood up “Excuse me.” He then fled upstairs and hid himself in his temporary bedroom.

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