I dunno what to title this...

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"Hey mommy!" Your four year old daughter called out to you. You were sitting down, doing some things on the computer. You looked down at your daughter and looked into her big brown eyes. 'Her eyes are just like her fathers.' You thought.

You bent down to her level. "Yes sweety?" You asked. "How did you and daddy meet?" She asked. You smiled as your husband walked into the room. "Hey Des. Guess what our daughter just asked me." You said.

Destery picked up your daughter and spun her around. She giggled and laughed in happiness. "What did you ask mommy?" He asked, still holding her in the air. "How did you and mommy meet daddy?" She asked.

He put her down and smiled at you, you smiled back.

Destery sat on the floor and placed his daughter in his lap. He tapped her nose a little bit. "Well, I was at a club an-" Destery started, but you smacked him on the head before he could say any more. "Destery!" You yelled. He chuckled. "Alright, alright. I'll be responsible." He said.

You rolled your eyes and sat down next to him. You both told your guy's story about how you meet and how you fell in love.

Six years ago

You were rushing out of your apartment to get to work. "Dammit dammit dammit. I can't be late again." You mumbled as you ran down the stairs at an alarming speed.

You got in your car and drove to the mall. You literally jumped out of your car, and ran into the mall. People starred at you but, you didn't care. You finally got to your work, Hot Topic (yeah, I know you wanna work there).

Right before you got in, you bumbed into someone and fell on the floor. "Watch out!" He yelled. "Well sorry." You replied sarcastically. You got up and realized who it was... 'CAPNDESDES?!' You thought.

After that, he came in every day. He would talk to you, occasionally buy something. You guys became really good friends and BOTH of you developed little crushes on each other. Okay, scratch that, BIG crushes.

Destery fell for you in a blink of an eye. While you, on the other hand, took a while. It took you about three months to realize your feelings towards him.

You, once again, were at work. You fumbled with the zipper on your jacket while waiting for someone to buy something. Destery walked in, as usual and headed towards you. "Hey Des." You welcomed. "Hey (N/N) (nick name)." He said with nervousness in his voice. "Something wrong?" You asked concerned.

He sighed and gathered his confidence. "I... uh... hm..." He muttered out and put a finger on his chin. You leaned in closer from the counter to hear him better. He smirked and smacked his lips against yours. You were shocked, too shocked to kiss back. He pulled away with a sad look. "I knew it. Oh well, you jate me now so I'll just be going." He stated. "Des..." You said in protest, trying to make him stay. He stopped, a glint of hope in his eyes.

You got out of your little cubicle type thing and grabbed his shoulders. You spun him around and looked into his beautiful brown eyes. "I don't hate you, you big idiot." You stated as you cupped his cheeks and gave him a kiss.

Then flash! White light could be seen, even with your eyes clothed. "Yay! This is DEFINATELY going in the scrap book." Your best friend stated, jumping up and down. " (B/F/N)!" You yelled.

Back to present

"Yay! The prince always gets the princess!" Your daughter exclaimed, clapping her small hands. You and Des chuckled. You both got up as your husband picked up a tiered (D/N) (daughters name). "It's time for our princess to go to sleep." Des said as je carried (D/N) to her room. She snuggled against her fathers chest as she drifted off into the land of dreams.

Hey guys! Just wanted to thank you for reading this and hope you enjoyed it! And leave a suggestion for what you want the next one-shot/imagine to be!

Capndesdes (Destery) X Reader One-Shots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang