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"How did you know there was a party at the 5th?" I asked Alex with an angry tone. I don't want to be stuck with Harry at a party with Alex here.

"I took the guess! All your parties are there" Alex explained.

"God, you are a twat sometimes" I groaned and walked behind Harry.

The point is that there IS a party in the 5th and I don't feel very comfortable to be attending with my brother who is playing to be my fake friend, and with the snob like Harry. This is one of life scenarios that I would like to avoid at any cause, but oh well. What am I supposed to do now. I could always fake to have a cold-

"Renata, darling. Are you coming?" Edward asks opening the door for me.

"Yes honey, sorry" I mumble, even though I know that it is rude, but I am not in a talking mood.

Now that we are all inside the car, Harry and Alex in front and I am behind, I decide to speak. "And who's parties is it? I couldn't catch the name in the invitation card" I ask.

Harry turns half of his face towards me and replies. "Remember Nicky, my love?" I nod and he continues. "Well, he lives in the city and he decided  to throw a party, so he is the host" he turns back again.

"Nicky? Nicky what?" Alex asks with a frown.

"Nicholas Darciela, sweetie. Owner of some clubs including the Cosmo" I answer, now a little worried.

"Dandy" he mutters. I sit back with a huff and wide eyes. What if Nicky knows who Alex is? What if they are mates.

After we cross the long yellow bridge that communicates with the city... You know? I always pass this bridge, at day or night. It doesn't matter. The thing is that it is the first time I have actually noticed the city, its light, tall buildings, even the color of the air and its feeling against my skin. You just feel part of something, bigger than anything, a feeling of belonging, and even though I wasn't born and raised here I was always attracted to this place.

"Honey, can you pass me my cigarettes?" Alex asks me. He knows I have them in my purse. I take one out of the box and pass it back to him. He mutters a 'thank you' and lights it up. Harry turns quickly to look at him and rolls his eyes.

"Mike you know these sits are leather ones?" Harry asks and pats the car's sit.

"Yes, I do see it" Alex says and puffs out some smoke. I look between the two of them, Edward is tensed.

"What will happen if they weren't of leather?" He asks a second question.

"They would be of cloth... I am not getting your point" Alex puffs again. "Yeah Harry, me neither" I add.

"That your friend here should be more careful of where he smokes! What if my car had cloth seat? He wouldn't have notice and my car would be smelling like cigarettes all week" Edward parks in front of Nicky's building.

I step down of the car by my own, beating Harry into opening the door. "But Edward, you have leather seats so just let it go, you will have wrinkles at an early age if you continue like that" I grab Alex arm and we all walk in together.

Nicky Darciela lives in a penthouse in one of the building of the Upper East side, he obviously is a filthy rich, but I don't mind. He has jet black hair and bright blue eyes. He is the most handsome man I have ever seen, Harry following up and then my brother obviously.  We arrived  to the door and Harry knocks it. I squeal.

"What is wrong Renata?" Harry turns around with a raised eyebrow.

"They are playing the Charleston" I clap my hands together and started swaying my hips. "You never play it in you parties darling, that is such a boomer" I explained to Harry.

Harry is very old fashioned, he is called lord in his own house and doesn't put "vulgar" music in his parties which is too bad because it is the best kind of music.

"Harry? Come on in! And who did you bring?" Nicky opens the door and looks behind Edward's shoulder. Harry walks in and disappears in the crowd.

"Renata, you look stunning" he comes over and hugs me. I hug him back. "How have you been?" I ask.

"I have been doing great, thanks for asking" Nicky answers.

"This is my mate Mike, he is from Queens" I introduce Alex and Nicky.

"Mike ha? You are still playing your games A?" Nicky goes over Alex and hugs him tight. I am certainly confused.

"Hello Nicky. Long time no see mate" Alex pulls away and gives him a toothless smile. "Wait a second, do you guys know each other? If so, how?" I step un the middle.

"Lets just say that he is not that good at playing as USA minister" Nicky chuckles and I joined him.

"How could I know that the minister was actually invited and he was your father? I just thought a high charge in a government could be cool to play with" Alex punches Nicky's shoulder.

"I played along and said I was a friend of him, lucky you that the brits didn't know how the minister looked, and eventually we did became friends, he stays here most weekends" Nicky smiles.

"So this is where you disappear to!" I laugh out loud.

"Come one, what are we doing in the hallways? Please cone in" Nicky opened the door wide for us to enter the place.

Alex pass in front of us, but before Nicky could follow him I gab his shoulder. "Nicky" I whisper and look around. "Harry...um" I stop. "Yes Renata? What is happening?" Nicky asks with concerns and holds my face in between his hands so I can look at him. I grab his hands and speak up "He, he doesn't know who Alex is. I think we can talk this better in another moment but for now Alex is a business man of Queens called Michael Essex, okay?"

"Understood dear" Nicky answers.

Hey guys! So thank you so much for 7k in chapter 7! that is funny!

Have a nice day love you lots and tell me what you think (:

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2016 ⏰

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