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Word count: 1177 words.
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The sun was not that strong, it should have been fresh, but not that hot to make you sweat in those chairs. The feeling of burning skin is felt even in the tip of my toe finger making me quiet uncomfortable with each move I made because I was able to feel the layer of wetness that my skin supported. My crossed legs did not help either because every time I uncrossed them or move them from their previous position they will feel freshen up, but sticky with my sweat.

Working on a tan at a Spring may be the most ridiculous thing you could imagined, but I needed to get rid of my faded tan, that looked like if I was pale sick, before my mother came to visit.

The thought of my mother coming all the way from Manhattan made me want to shoot myself with the pocket gun I got beneath my mattress. My mother was not a mother for me. An acquaintance I shall say, pretty much I took care of myself till my last year of high school when I left my house in London and robbed half of the fortune that my family contains. And that was not my heirloom.

"Edgar, would you please tell me at what time shall I expect my mother?" I asked my butler, I could not see Edgar as a butler, more like a friend, it was idiotic to think of him in a lower way. I am not classist.

"Mrs. Darcy will arrive at 45 past 3 in the afternoon Miss Gatsby" Edgar said behind my shoulder with his mysterious and deep voice. I just nodded as a sign that I had heard what he said. "Miss Gatsby, the broker is here. He requests to be seen as soon as possible" he said again. I do not want Harry to be here at the moment. I have to wait patiently for my mother.

"Tell him I am not home, I went for a walk" I enlighten Edgar. "Miss, he said that he saw you at the garden and how you entered the house" Edgar said with a sad face. I nodded and let Edgar go back to what he was doing.

The doors opened and I saw the tall curly haired guy I did not want to see.

"Miss Gatsby. What a nice afternoon, do you think that is way to sunny for Spring?" He said in a mocking tone. "Absurd, you are laughing at me" I laugh sarcastically with him.

"Come on, don't take it to personal. I hate when you think that everything goes around you" he smirked at me. I definitely do not want this man here right now.

"Edward, what are you doing here?" I asked trying to get to the grain of the conversation and making him leave quickly.

"It is Harry, love. I came personally to invite you to my ball that will be taking place 5 days away from this evening. I will be delighted if you could come" he got closer to me just one or two inches in our faces' closeness.

"I will love to accept this invitation" I whispered and smirk raising my eyebrow. He pecked the side of my mouth and the other one too. I looked up to him and ask him to stay till my mother came. Even though I didn't love the idea, I wanted a little company now.

We sat down in one of the pool tables and start talking about our life and fortunes. "So you are visiting France this summer, or are you going to spend time working here?" I asked already. He is going to stay.

"I am staying, working obviously" I chuckled because of how well I know him. "What are you finding amusing?" He smiled.

"The lack of relaxing time you have gotten. For being a CEO you have no fun" He laughed at the statement, and I chuckled to go with him.

"I do have fun Renata! I just invited you to a ball I will held at my place, plus my multiple mistresses. How can you say I do not have fun?" He said astonished.

"Tell me one friend you have got except for your family, Edgar, or me" I said and raised my eyebrow in a cocky way to show him that I was right.

"Nicky" he simply said.

"Who is Nicky?" I asked him, I was clearly confused. When Harry came into the neighborhood he was a new rich, he was wealth, but now it is a exaggeration of power. He was not quiet open to anyone, but I cracked the shell and he was just a little Pandora's box.

"Nicky is a well known bastard. He has more than fourteen clubs at town and three of them being wenches' clubs, plus two Casinos at the West Side of Manhattan" Harry replies thinking that that is enough for me to hear.

"I will like to meet him sometime, does he owns Cosmo?" I asked curious thinking about my favorite Casino in town. "Indeed Gatsby" he nodded.

I was impressed by this man, just when Harry talk about this Nicky lad, it sounded powerful and gracious and it excited me to know that there can be someone so exciting and fresh.

"Miss Gatsby. Mrs. Darcy, your mother, is here" Edgar whispered on my ear. "You can leave now Al" I replied in the same low tone.

"My mother is here. Would you like to join us for tea?" I asked Harry, I knew he will like to stay, he loves my mom. Looks up and down her thin body and bites his bottom lip every now and then.

"I will be delighted" he said and I stood up to open the door to my mother.

"My dear Renata, look at you, oh so cool gliding down the hall" my mother anxiously said. She kissed both of my cheeks, but before I say something she speaks up.

"Harry, you got more handsome since the last time I saw you my dear" My mother love Harry, I even thought sometime that they were having an affair but she is forty four, eighteen years older than Harry. It may be fine for some people, but is looked quiet odd for my liking.

"Elizabeth, you look marvelous, so handsome with that hat you are wearing in this Spring weather" Harry complimented.

"You lads would do a lovely couple if you ever thought about getting more intimate. I will love to see my grand children running in the back yard of your house Renata. How rich and wealthy will this family be" She ranted, I quiet despised the way my mother express in such an imprudent way her childish thoughts. It was embarrassing.

"Elizabeth, I am having a ball in 5 days at late evening. Are you going to assist because I will be so sad if you do not go" He said and link his arm with my mothers arm.

This was going to be a long evening with both of the persons I could not stand together.

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