The Guardian

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It was a short trip to the Tower and within five minutes of travel we were back on Venus looking for a Vex conflux.
"So were was I when the Co-" I started to say before my Ghost cut me off.
"Shh I saw someone or something walk by," he responds to my apparent anger.
"What did they look like?"
That was the last thing that either of us said because I caught more coming from behind the first one.
After they passed I broke the silence by saying, "Do you think they saw us?"I ask my Ghost.
"I'm not sure but keep you voice down just in case he can't hear me but he can hear me," he responds to my question.
Half an hour passes before I attempt to move petrified that he might see me and think that I'm part of this Darkness that I've been hearing so much about. Hours pass at the Academy and Collective and we find nothing on this 'Taken' possession that plagues me day and night.

The first night goes relatively quiet only the sounds of the vex can be heard in the background reminding me of a book I once read and the machines of hate that crept on the people.
" Are the Vex or where the Vex created by the Darkness?" I ask my Ghost.
"We can't be sure but I feel that they a once were servants of the Darkness but since the can travel through time they could be a race that the Traveler once visited," his robotic voice chirps in my head like an alarm clock.
"Well I should probably attempt to sleep but with the heavy metal concert playing," I say jokingly.
I drift into an uneasy sleep with the the constant clanging of metal and the nails on a chalk board like sound of the screeching metal on metal contact. My Ghost is the last thing I see before I wake up and see the Gatelord standing about three hundred yards away scanning the environment around it.
"What is that thing?!" I yell.
"Shush! Keep you voice down it might hear you," my Ghost responds in a relatively calm manner.
"Oh no I think it just saw me," I say cautiously.
"Well we should RUN!"
As I'm running I see the Guardian I saw the day before and wonder what he's doing on Venus, but I don't stop to find out. As I running away from the giant Vex Gatelord he must have heard my footsteps as I was passing and he looked back at me probably wondering who I was and what I was doing on Venus.

When I stop my Ghost tells me that we are I one of the most protected area in all of Venus by the Vex, the Vault of Glass. My Ghost says that if we can get in then we may be able to stop or slow whatever is infecting me. Once I see what I am up against I realize what I'm up against in side the Vault, Aetheon, the protector of the Vex, destroyer of time, and Guardian slayer. Moving away I decide that it is best if I return to the Istar Academy and wait for the Guardian I saw to find me and take me to the Tower.

Sorry it's taking so long I have a lot of stuff to do in life hop to make the next one longer.
-Destiny Freak 444

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