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The whole purpose of why I am writing this book was to spread mental illness awareness. Now I had the chance to do that while applying it to a fictional universe. I did that in order for it to be easier to understand; more emphasis on how crucial it is to be aware of these matters around us.

I've grown up to see people misuse terms like 'mental' and 'insane'. Even seen some use mental disorders to describe someone. "Why are you so bipolar?". "Ugh that is annoying my OCD". These sentences are used where they shouldn't be. As in, incorrectly. Since they do not know exactly what Bipolar disorder is, they will misuse it in sentences. OCD is definitely not what you call someone who simply likes cleaning. It stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. That itself, is self-explanatory.

Its things like that which had me screaming internally in the middle of class or the street. The worst case I've had like this was someone completely misunderstand social anxiety disorder and just apply it to a normal fear factor; walking alone in the dark at night. Well, that just happened to be what I was diagnosed with so I did not handle hearing that very well.

I do not blame these people for their ignorance as mental illness seems to be a touchy topic for many so it is hard to know much about the concept of it all. This is exactly why awareness needs to be spread. More people should know about mental disorders in order to learn that all the sufferers are valid and not just an adjective to be thrown around.

On that matter, enjoy reading my alternate version in a dystopian universe where mental illness is frowned upon and not taken as carefully as it should- just like in our version of the world.

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