Fang didn't seem to be shaken by the new development. Making a new set of hand sign Fang touched his own chest. His body started to shift as he got down on all fours. Fang's body started to become more beast like as he kept changing. Soon a huge towering wolf stood in front of us.

There were spikes that ran along it's shoulders and on its tail. It had two sets of teeth one resting behind the first row. It's body was black and dripped down ooze that made the ground hiss and smoke. This wasn't a wolf, this beast I never saw before.

"A hellhound," Soji spoke and I turned to see him and Rai coming behind us. Looking at Soji he nodded his head before we all turned back towards the fight. Korku and Fand went at each other. It was like watching a dogfight as they bit into each other.

Korku kept using his burning spit, but Fang was too fast in his beast form. His quickly jumped out of the way each time Korku hawked it at him. I watched as Fang bit down into the fear demon. Korku cried out as Fang took a chunk out of the demon.

Korku yelled in pain as Fang decided it was time to go for the kill. Fang rushed forward and I found. I saw it before Fang did it seem. Moving quickly I jumped in front of the hellhound. My black flames burned the blood snakes that were about to sink their fangs into . . . Well, Fang.

"Kenji," I hissed his name as Ban appeared next to him. Why were they hear? Maybe Korku had something to do with the Night of Demons. Would they protect him then? They hadn't protected Maya when we came for her.

"You look amazing tonight, Natsu. The red moon truly brings out your inner charm." I growled at Ban as he called me by that name again. My fangs pressed down as I sneered at him. "That look only turns me on." I frowned at him.

"Ban!" A voice yelled before I could think of anything witty to say to Ban. I watched as a girl was rushing towards Ban. She seemed to look past Ban and dropped to her knees bowing as she saw Soji. "Master Soji." Great another church nut.

"What are you doing here, Ayase?" Soji asked and she rose again rushing towards Soji to stand in front of him. I watched as Kenji went to Korku. He helped the Fear Demon stand. Why were they helping him? I watched as Ban moved his eyes towards me then to Soji.

"So you are the white mage," Ban spoke and I pushed Soji behind me. My fangs pushed down as Ban sniffed at the air. I could see a frown on his beautiful face. It didn't fit there, that didn't mean I was going to change it. "This is the scent you had on you. I won't rest until he's dead."

"You'll never touch him." I hissed as Fang reverted back to his true form. I was never going to let him have Soji.

"You're a demon and you're playing with a white mage. I'll kill your white whore soon enough, Natsu." I growled at Ban.

"My name is Zero." I hissed at him and he laughed before he, Kenji and Korku disappeared. I sighed shaking my head as I turned around to look at my team. Standing in the ghost town there was a sobering feeling that past over us. Now that Korku was gone there was nothing else for us to do here. Ban and Kenji had came and saved him. I wondered if they had been here the whole time.

More than that Emiko was dead. It was never easy when you lost a member of your team. Even if you hated this member. Coming here had proven to be a waste. Nothing had been accomplished in the end.

My eyes shifted to the girl who had showed up after Ban. She was standing with Soji. Emiko died and now this Ayase girl was quick to replace her. I wasn't sure if trusted it. Ayase was probably in her twenties. I wouldn't give her much older than that. I noticed her hair, I never saw anyone with black hair that had white streaks in it before.

My eyes shifted to Soji. Ban saw him, he wanted to kill him now. I couldn't allow that. I couldn't let Ban hurt him. I wondered if Soji was strong enough to kill Ban. He was a white mage, but Ban was unlike any other demon. All demons could die, even Ban. Did I want Ban dead? If he died, it would be by my hands no one else.

I sat on the ground next to Rai. She was curled up asleep. Her head rested on my lap. Funny how children can fall asleep anywhere. Fang was roaming around the area we marked as safe. He was complaining about his lost prey. I wasn't happy about Kenji and Ban's rescue mission either. Korku was our car. Now he was gone.

It had been too long. We had to move on. We needed to get home to Amy. We weren't going to be buying a car this time. Shu was always against stealing and things of that nature. Anytime he caught me stealing Shu would yell at me to be human. Of course, I reminded him that humans were liars, cheaters, and thieves he would give me a lame line.

Be better than humans.

How could I be better when I was supposed to be worse. Whose standards of humans were I suppose to be living up to? Shu's or mine. Reaching into my pocket I took out my pack of cigarette. Pulling one stick free I lit it before laying back in the grass.

Soji and Ayase were talking in hushed voices. I didn't know what they were planning. I wasn't sure I wanted to know either. Soon the two of them walked towards me. Looking up at Soji his eyes were red. It was clear that he had been crying. He had been through a lot today.

"Master Soji told me everything," Ayase spoke and I looked to Soji. When she said, everything did she mean everything. I doubt that Soji would tell her about our alone time together. He wasn't that kind of boy.

Ayase's honey brown eyes were looking into my own golden ones as I sat up again. I noticed that unlike Emiko, Ayase added Master in front of Soji's name. I wasn't sure how things worked in their church, but it was clear that she had a deep respect for the white mage.

"I have a care, I don't mind taking you where you need to go." My eyes shifted to Soji again. Where I needed to go. Where were he going? Home maybe, head this girl comes to take him home. Why did that upset me?

"My father is calling me back. There are reports that a large number of demons are gathering in the Ancient City." The Ancient City was just a few miles away from my hometown. It was where the demon door was. Was it coming then? Was this the Night of Demons.

Soji licked his lips nervously. I could hear the creak when he mentioned his father. I could see the pain in Soji's eyes. Everything inside of me wanted to take that pain from him. When I had been human, I loved my brother. He might not have been around a lot but in the last day that I remembered him he had been a loving father.

The thing that Soji feared was his father. What was that like. To fear your own father. It wasn't something that I knew. It made me not want Soji to go back home. If he were going to be hurt there, I would rather he stay with me.

"Rai and I need to go home." We had to get back to Amy. Looking over at Fang I didn't know what he would do or where he would go. Maybe he would stay with us.

"We'll drop you all off first then," Ayase said and I stood up before swooping Rai up in my arms. The group followed Ayase to the car that she had. Once we were inside Ayase got into the driver seat. Soji was in the passenger seat he seemed focus on something. Maybe what was to come next.

Pressing my forehead against the glass as the world rushed past me. When I relived the events of today, I kept thinking about Ban. I thought about the Night of Demon was coming. Demons were gathering. It all seemed to be coming to ahead. I just didn't know what the climax was. I knew that Ban needed Soji to reach it.

Blood Prize {Bloody Dance Series #1} BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now