"Hey...", she started, not looking at him.
"C... Can I join you?"

'Dafuq do you think you are doing?! You wanted to go you little piece of shit!"

-"Sure!" he smiled and she melted. His blue eyes, short and dark brown hair and his freckles! Not to mention his lips and pale skin.

'Alright you stupid asscanon, just go kill youself then.', she thought.


'He has muscels, tho...', she thought again, looking at him while he started going into the pitch black water.
'Just go into the water and stop starring at him you fool!'

She went in and after minutes,- that felt like an enternity -, she asked:"And how have you done lately?"




"Oh you know, I think my life wants to tell me that I should kill myself..." Her voice cracked at the end of the sentence.


"Well yeah..."

-"Oh, yeah. Your father told me about it. You haven't passed the school year. I'm sorry tho."

"It's just... It's just not fair... I actually did it but..." She bit her lip. 'Stop it, you idiot.'

-"The teachers wouldn't let you pass... Like I said. Your father told me about it."

'There you have it Charly! Do you want a Boyfriend that has a better conection to your father than to you?!'

-"But don't worry. You'll make it. My classmate who repeadet his first school year was the best at the Finals.", he hang on.

"Well I'm not so sure about that...", she murmured so quiet, he couldn't hear it.


"W... Would it be weird to ask you, if you could hug me?"

'Charly, I'm gonna kill you after this and I'll make sure nobody will even CARE you're dead.'

-"No." He simply answered with a smile.

So they hugged in the moonlight, in a pool. After a moment or two she demanded herself:'Go away from him!' and she pushed herself away from him.

"Thanks.", she said quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

-"No Problem. Also, otherwise I couldn't have made THAT!" And he pushed her underwater. Little did he know that she was silently smiling underwater. 'OMG he's so cute! Marry him! No hold on! You are not allowed to like him! Why can't you just hate him? Remember? You are over him! Why is your love life so complicated!? Stop iiittt!' Her brain got more confused by the second and she didn't know if to love or hate him for being the way he just is! He pulled her out of the water, onto the surface and she laughed/coughed the embarrassment away.

"Soo what are you going to do afterwards?", Charly asked.

-"Probably watch some more 'Game of Thrones'..."

"Really? You watch 'Game of Thrones'? Which Season?"

-"Third. You?"

"Oh. I'm only at Season two... But can I watch it with you?"

-"Well... You shouldn't. I mean you're not as far as I am. You could get spoiled..."

"Well then we could watch the next episode I have to watch...?"

-"Nnnn." He sounded annoyed.

"Or we could watch a movie?"

-"No I wanna watch 'Game of Thrones'"

"Ok, fine! I understand! I'll go home then!"

-"N... No that's not what I meant. Just... Won't you get into trouble, staying at my house?"

"Well, I guess my old man likes you more than anyone else. He'll be fine with it."


"But you know... I'm tired anyway soo... I'll make my way home then...", she lied.

She hopped out of the pool and surched for her clothes.
Behind her, Luke was getting out of the water and dried himself up.

'Don't even think about starring at his body.'

Without turning around she started heading home.

"Bye then!", she said a little louder so he could hear her.

-"Yeah... Bye!"

The End.

Yeah, I know.

Fuck her love life.

4 Ever Together - The Story Of 2 Best FriendsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora