Strongest When Together

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The girls visited their respective temples every day, training to use their powers. They did this for two weeks, but were unable to conjure so much as a droplet or a single spark.
"Do you think we actually have powers?" Liv asked Heidi one night.
Heidi sighed, "I did believe we did for a while, but now, I've given up to be honest. Maybe the sacrifices were faulty,"
"I feel like a fraud. Everyone thinks we're gifted, and that's the only reason we're in charge, or rather our mothers are. They believe all that we tell them, but they'll find out sooner or later," Liv winced.
Heidi frowned, "They'll be so hurt, and disappointed. After their last King and Queen, they'll hate that we're liars,"
"Our mums will take care of it, won't they?" Liv asked.
Heidi sighed, "I hardly ever talk to her anymore. She only takes me to the temple, and talks to Luella about my progress. It's like her goal is to harness my powers,"
"Maybe it's so no one thinks we're frauds," Liv suggested.
Heidi shrugged, "I get the feeling they aren't telling us something,"
"I know what you mean, mum hardly talks to me anymore, about her life, about my dad, about anything, really," Liv murmured.
There was a knock at the door.
"Miss Foster, you should go to bed now," Hadley said.
Heidi nodded, hugging Liv goodnight, "And for the last time, Hadley, call me Heidi, please,"
Liv waved goodbye as Heidi walked across the hall, closing Liv's doors behind her.


The next day was grueling. Both mothers seemed more determined than ever to unleash their daughters powers, willing to do whatever it took. Liv was in a room, full of coal. A single spark started an huge roaring fire, burning up all flammable materials. Liv was completely fireproof, the tactic of pushing her to control the fire was rendered useless. Then, a young girl was pushed through the door.
"Mum!" Liv screamed, "What are you doing?"
The little girl wailed as the flames drew closer into her.
"You can save her," Gwendoline called, "Just use your powers!"
"I don't have any powers!" Liv screamed back, "Get her out of here,"
Liv pushed forward to the girl, but Zenith held her back. Liv knew by the guilt and apologetic look in Zenith's eyes, that she was following Gwendoline's orders. The girl continued to scream, wail and sob.
"Stop it," Liv sobbed, "Please..."
Zenith still held her back. Liv's heart went out to the girl, as her screams of terror continued.
"Stop it!" Liv wailed.
The fire stopped, engulfing Liv. It surrounded her entire body. Liv opened her eyes, too see her body in flames.
"Now put it out," Zenith said.
The flames vanished into black smoke. Liv ran forwards to a little girl, who was still shivering with fright. The girl was only about six when you saw her close up. She was sweating like crazy, and her legs and arms were covered in burns.
"What the hell is wrong with you!" Liv yelled at Gwendoline.
Gwendoline's face was pained, "I promise you, she will be healed. I have a good reason for doing that, come with me."


"Now you have to get her out," Elaine said.
Heidi was in shock. She was more than in shock, she was horrified. Here, right before her was a six year old boy, frozen solid in a block of eyes.
"He only has three minutes, after than, the oxygen potion wears off," Luella said, shooting Heidi a pained look.
Elaine smiled a horrifyingly happy smile, "Now use your power!"
"I don't have any powers!" Heidi said, panicked.
Elaine rolled her eyes, "Of course you do,"
"You're willing to bet a childs life on that?" Heidi exclaimed.
Elaine sighed, "I know you have the powers, the sacrifice test is concrete evidence. It's not a bet if you definitely can do it,"
"One minute," Zenith said.
Heidi began hyperventilating, her breaths becoming short in panic.
"I-I-I can't," She gasped, "I can't,"
"Ten, nine, eight," Zenith said, in a panicked tone.
The glass shattered, as Heidi screamed. She ran forward to the child, scrambling to help him. He was unconcious, but breathing.
"You're a monster," Heidi growled at Elaine, her eyes watering.
Elaine shook her head, "I promise I'm not, I'm just trying to prepare you for the real monsters,"


"This better be good," Liv hissed.
Gwendoline sighed, "Elaine wants the kingdom all to herself, she is planning to kill us both, because she knows what a threat you are,"
"Heidi would never go along with that," Liv laughed.
"As her best friend, you know how much Heidi has wanted a family, do you really think Heidi would risk ruining that?" Gwendoline asked seriously.
"She would never hurt anyone, especially me," Liv said confidentially.
Gwendoline sighed, "Elaine will convince her that we're trying to take over the kingdom, that we're going to kill both of them, and Heidi, unfortunately, will believe her. Elaine is a master of manipulation, especially for someone young like Heidi, and if she wants to be a family as much as it seems she does, she'll fall for it,"

Liv frowned, "Heidi wouldn't..."
"I was fooled by Elaine, into thinking that she was content to rule until you and Heidi were old enough. She wants to crown herself queen, Heidi is her ticket to that," Gwendoline said.
Liv was shocked, "That's disgusting, to use your child like that!"
"I know. To tell you the truth, everyone thought she was using Yates Foster to get to the throne. Now that he's gone, she's using Heidi." Gwendoline shook her head.


"She's controlling Liv?" Heidi asked.
Elaine nodded grimly, "She'll tell Liv that I've convinced you to kill both of them, and then she'll give Liv a potion to drink, making her one hundred percent believe it,"
"But why?" She questioned.
Elaine sighed, "Since the descendant of Marzanna was the King, she assumes you'll be the supreme ruler, since Kings normally get the most powers,"
"So Liv is her ticket to queendom?" Heidi frowned.
Elaine nodded, "I'm afraid I needed you to achieve your powers before revealing this to you. I believe Liv's already drunk the potion, which is why you needed to get your powers before we revealed what we knew, otherwise you would be defenseless against her powers,"
"Livvy," Heidi whimpered.
Elaine sighed, "We have to prepare to fight them,"
Heidi nodded, even though her heart told her there was still a way to save her best friend.


Liv hated being faced with the possibility of fighting. But she realised the reality of it, when her and Gwendoline entered the throne room. Heidi and Elaine stood before them. Heidi's eyes were glowing, while her hands glowed blue. The temperature in the room dropped. Keeping her eyes on Heidi, Liv raised the temperature in retaliation. Heidi's heart thudded as she saw her best friend, eyes glowing orange, with palms alight.
"Livvy, I want you to fight it, I know you're under her control," Heidi said.
"What?" Liv asked, "I'm under no one's control. Look, don't believe your mum, she just wants the throne,"
"No she doesn't, yours does," Heidi replied.
Both girls were slowly walking closer together, having an unconcious battle over the temperature of the room.
"Don't listen to her!" Both mother's yelled.
Both girls started running, but a moment before they collided, they looked each other in the eyes.
"You aren't lying," They said in unison.
The girls had grown up with each other, they knew in a second that their mothers were the liars, not them.
"Why did you lie to me?" Heidi asked Elaine.
"Why would you try to use your child like that?" Liv frowned at Gwendoline.
Gwendoline cackled, "You aren't my child, you're the daughter of Brigit and Kari, a stupid princess,"
"But that means..." Liv whimpered.
Gwendoline laughed, "Your parents are gone you stupid girl, and you'll never find them. We've barred them from this world,"
"You aren't really my mother, are you?" Heidi asked, looking at Elaine with a furious expression.
Elaine laughed, "I am a descendant of Borea, goddess of air. Our people ruled the East, until Marzanna and Vesta killed her. I deserved to rule, for the crimes against my goddess,"
"Artio, goddess of Earth and ruler of the West was wronged long before Borea. She died first, I deserved the throne!" Gwendoline yelled.
"You tried to invade all of De Lumine! You deserved it!" Elaine screamed.
Gwendoline retaliated, "And you're subtle approach to assassinate two goddesses wasn't deserving of death?"
"Who are my parents!" Heidi yelled, cutting the two women off.
Elaine laughed, "I though it was obvious, you stupid girl..."

Kingdom of Light: Tale of TwoWhere stories live. Discover now