Whale song

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My heart is an oasis of despair.
It beats deep within me.
Pumping sorrow and grief through me with every beat.

The sea is my only friend,
But her waves drew you to me.
So I wonder, is she the enemy?

She brings you to me.
You...with your harpoons.
To torture my poor soul.

I watched the blood spray out of my mother.
I heard the dreadful scream of my sister.
The deep wail of father as you harpooned them all.

Their blood rent the air, falling back to sea.
She became a body of scarlet water.
I swim in the blood of my family.

Oh do listen to my wails and find me.
Tear me apart and steal the oil within me.
Take my bones and leave nothing behind.

Come to me, find me.
Save me from this hopeless sea of hurt.
Come and stop the beating of my four year old heart.

Take me away too.
Make me suffer and die too.
Maybe then I won't be so torn by my pitiful song.

Vote and comment if you're a part of #savethewhales movement.

I hate to know there are hundreds of animals out there being killed for unsubstantial reasons.

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