Chapter 20- Everything Happens For A Reason

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Everything Happens For A Reason.-

"I'm so proud of you," He smiled, holding my permit in his hands, "I didn't know you wanted to drive." I didn't, and I don't. I thought to myself, watching his smile grow. I nodded in his direction, planting a smile on my own face as well. 

Frank looked so beautiful sitting on his bedroom floor in nothing but boxers and a t-shirt that was extremely huge on him. His smile was wide, showing teeth a tiny bit, his perfect white teeth. He had small crowsfeet forming at the corners of his eyes from his smiling. He had small blemishes here and there, but he was absolutely gorgeous. The light reflected off of his teeth and his eyes, his oh so beautiful eyes. I could stare at him forever, basking in the glory that I was so fortunate to know such a wonderful human being. I was so privileged to know Frank. 

I leaned in close to him, smelling his once again familiar scent of his lemon scented body wash and grape scented shampoo. I smiled to myself, leaning in even closer and touching my lips to his. I took a mental note of the shape of his lips and how soft they were. How perfect they seemed to fit against my own. 

Maybe my plan wasn't so elaborate, not really. It was way too simple for it to be considered as such. However, saving Frank's life was the one thing that I now held closer to me than anything else, besides Frank himself. Frank deserved to live, he was such a phenomenal human being while I was completely nothing. For once I wanted to make something right, I wanted to correct a flaw that the Earth had made, I wanted to not fuck something so precious to me up. For once. 

I only had such a short amount of time to succeed with this, to keep Frank's heart beating for a little longer. His sweet heart, the one that made my own heart race every time I saw his beautiful face and greasy hair that happened to lay perfectly still on the top of his head. His eyes, which were a perfect mixture of various shades of colors. His existence made my heart's pace quicken with just a glance, and I wanted to make sure he was able to feel that emotion longer than the doctor's thought he had. 

"You're so perfect, you know?" I split away from Frank's lips to look into his gorgeous irises, a slight smile apparent on my face. My smile grew as his did, making that pace in my chest speed up just a little more when I noticed the small blush that covered his smooth cheeks. 

"You're so full of shit, Gerard," He giggled. Literally giggled. It was like a school girl laugh, so corny, stereo-typical, and oh so fucking cute. He made me forget all about the withdrawal pains I continued to feel, because I was getting better for him, in more ways than one. 

I shook my head in disbelief, I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that he didn't know how damn perfect he is. It's unfathomable to me how someone like him can look in the mirror on a daily basis and think so lowly of themselves, when he is the exact opposite. I couldn't even begin to think about Frank the way he thinks about himself. 

Without replying to him I kissed him once more, "You're going to live you know, for me. You're gonna amount to so many great things, you're gonna stay alive." I rubbed his left cheek with my thumb gently, staring into his glassy eyes. He was so damn pretty. I was so damn pathetic. 

It's moments like these when I wonder to myself, why the hell does this perfect human being put up with a low life such as myself? Why does he choose to sit there and watch me destroy myself from the inside out, why does he care? Frank could have anyone he wanted, but yet, for some silly reason he chose a failure like me. Doesn't he know he deserves more than that? More than me? 

"You're so stupid, I'm glad I met you." He didn't realize how literal my statement was, but that's okay, because he was going to live. 


"I think we should really locate your parents, don't you think they deserve to know how Mikey was adopted out?" Frank groaned for the hundredth time, he's been nonstop talking about locating the whereabouts of my parents but I just keep shooting him down. 

"No? They put us in the facility anyway, one of us getting adopted out was bound to happen sooner or later, I honestly don't care about them or their feelings." I scoffed, not understanding why on Earth he wanted me to go see my parents now, after so many years of abandonment. 

"They're your parents, Gerard," Frank rolled his eyes in my direction, like the sassy son of a bitch he was being at the moment. I just stood there, looking at him as he lied on his bed on his laptop, continuing to scroll down some stupid website. 

"They're not much of parents if their idea of parenthood and love is sending their children off for the rest of their sorry lives to some foreign foster facility without a goodbye or anything," I sat down at the foot of his bed, waiting for his more than likely bullshit response on my family matters. 

"I would like to meet my boyfriends parents before I die, how about that?" His eyes were shooting daggers my way. Boyfriend. He had called me his boyfriend. 

"Boyfriend?" I asked, biting my bottom lip. He stopped scrolling as soon as I had repeated the word. I could physically see him swallow some air, trying to calm himself down. "Why did you say it like that? Of course you're my boyfriend, I mean we've made out enough so far to be considered as such." He was rambling. 

"Shut up, of course you are my boyfriend, I was just confirming." I smiled, a blush forming on my face. After that I had leaned over top of his laptop and kissed him with more passion. 

"Frankie, you are not going to die."  

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