Promises and an Invisibility Cloak

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Monday, November 2, 1998

Flat of Brice Lexington

Brice Lexington stirred his cup of coffee as he sank down into the oversized recliner, contemplating the reasons why his superior Auror had sent him away. It was strange and didn't quite feel right. They'd been investigating another murder inside Muggle London when he'd gotten a look of disgust and told him to return home.

He had never been one to question the behavior of his superiors. All through his school years, he'd been rather quiet. his head down and done what he'd been told. He never disobeyed his teachers or caught the unwanted attention of the prefects and graduated without being a wizard worth remembering. He had preferred it that way. He didn't want to stand out or be the center of attention. He wanted to do his time and get a job where he could be out of sight of others.

The war had changed that about him. When the Dark Lord had returned he'd been working under Ollivander. He'd come into work one day and had found the shop in shambles, his mentor, and employer nowhere to be found. He'd decided then and there that something had to change. That he'd have to change.

So he'd done the boldest thing he'd ever done and went to the new ministry about joining the new Auror Office. They'd been hesitant at first. He couldn't blame them really. He'd never made an impression on anyone in his life. But after some rather embarrassing pleading, the Minster himself had decided to test him.

He'd been shocked but very enthusiastic about the outcome. It had taken a few weeks but he eventually passed the tests they'd laid out for him. That's how determined he was about this. He wanted to make sure that nothing bad could happen to those he cared about ever again. Now he could do something about it.

The new Ministry was going to be better than the old one had ever been, and he would have a part, if only a little, in it.

He felt like he could do something with his life now. He felt as if he could take on the world. Or at least, he had thought that. But ever since he'd been promoted to Auror and was working directly under Nathan Dearborn he'd began to have second thoughts.

Rumor was that his father had died in the First Wizarding War. He'd been a part of The Order and Nathan had grown up with one goal in mind. He'd wanted to make his old man proud and had sought out a lifestyle worthy of his father's name. He had been a detective for the Department of Ministries for years before he'd switched careers and became an Auror at The Minister's request. They seemed to have a connection and remained close.

But Brice wondered how anyone could be close to Nathan. This man was intense. He'd heard about how tough he was on new recruits and they hadn't been joking. His skills were tested daily by Nathan, but he wouldn't dare complain. Complaining wasn't tolerated. He'd learned to just shut his mouth and do what he was told, just as he'd done his whole life.

But there was something a bit different about him lately. He'd become distant; cold and just a few weeks ago he'd told Lee Scott to have Draco Malfoy apply for the job. Draco Malfoy. Son of Lucius Malfoy and a former Death Eater himself. What could Nathan be thinking by suggesting such a person to join them?

He couldn't say much, though. They'd given him a chance after all. And gods knew he didn't deserve it. At least the Malfoy boy had combat experience prior to the offer. It was just odd coming from Nathan. So that, compiled with tonight's events left him wondering just what was up with his partner.

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