Chapter 28: The Festival of Falling Part II

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Chapter 28~ The festival of Falling part II

Quick A/N: please proper yourself for overwhelming OOC... Don't say I didn't warn you.

Ryo AU fact:
If Ryo, Yuto, and Eita, ever played Monopoly, the game would end with Yuto glaring at Ryo, Ryo screaming at Eita for cheating, and Eita having 10 monopolies.

Emiko's POV:
"Ne, Yuu? How do you get your hair so soft, it's so unfair. And it's curly too! My hair feels like string all the time, not to mention how it looks..."

Yuu turned around and smiled. "Well-..


"So let me get this straight..." I started. "You guys were all ninja classmates, or whatever, and you were separated into teams of 3. And you haven't seen each other since...?"

Sakura nodded. "Yeah thats it. There was two other guys, but they aren't here right now. There names are Kiba and Shino, now that I think about it... Where are they? Hey Hinata!" Sakura called. An indigo haired girl turned around at the mention of her name.

"Y-yes Sakura?" The girl, Hinata, stuttered.

"What are Kiba and Shino doing tonight."

"Um, well." Hinata started. "They said t-they were coming tonight, b-but I guess they got c-caught up with somet-thing?"

"Blah. You should be glad they didn't come Emiko!" Naruto butt in. "Kiba's pretty annoying and you wouldn't like him, believe it!" And Shino..." He faltered. "Shino is just creepy."

"Well enough about them!" The blond haired girl explained. "They are boring anyways. I want to know more about you! Like, why are you here? Where did you come from? Ya know, stuff like that."

I sweatdropped. "Umm. How about we sit down first. It's getting dark so the fireworks should be starting soon." I evaded. Honestly Q&A with a bunch of my teammates classmates wasn't #1 on my to-do list. Maybe if I avoid it long enough they'll forget?

We quickly found a place on the roof of an old hotel building, the titles were slipping, but it gave a good view of the firework range. We sat just like a normal group of civilian friends would (even thought it doesn't appear most of them are friends... And we are most definitely not civilians).

"Alright so Emiko, was it?" The blond asked. A gave her a quick nod of confirmation. "Do you have a crush on anyone? Anyone at all.. A teammate? A friend? ... A teammate perhaps?"

I blanched. A crush? "No." I said. My mind wandered to a person in the land of iron... The way their hair curled behind their ear, how they would always come up with the craziest things to do, but it just wasn't possible... It would never happen. "No, I don't." I said with more confidence. I desperately looks at the 3 guys here, hoping they would save me. Sadly, Naruto and the fat guy (A/n: please don't take offense. I mean nothing -.-) were in a heated argument about food, while Shikamaru seemed to be in dream world. Damm you guys....

A dejected look crossed the blond's face (with a hint of happiness?) "aw come on... No one at all? There has to be one guys here who catches your eye-"

"Nope, not a guy." I confirmed, much to the blond mock (or real, who knows) disappointment.

"Umm, E-Emiko." Hinata stuttered, suddenly joining our one sided "crush" talk. I looked at her expecting another question, so she continued. "W-Why are you in K-Konoha... N-Not the I don't l-like having you of c-course!" She hastily added at the end.

I smiled. "Naw that's alright. I know I'm the outsider... Now... Where I'm from. That's quite a tricky question." The three girls looked at me questionably. "Well you could say that my hometown would be 'where I'm from' however I left that place when I was:.. 6, no, 7... 6 1/2? I don't know. Somewhere around there. So I wouldn't consider that be the place that I'm from."

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