Dark Waves

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~Mark POV~

Y/n and I went to the park next morning, mostly because she wasn't to fond of the idea of leaving all alone. She was the one who collected the light for me, since apparently she could do that. Thankfully, she didn't have work today so she wasn't missing anything important. I sat at the base of tree by our normal meeting spot, leaning my back against its trunk. I watched as she gathered the sun's rays, more discreetly than I would of, seeing as she could actually be seen. Eventually she returned to me with my pack full of light. I smiled as she took a seat next to me, and I kissed her. The kids came running up to us, only to pause, staring at her confused.

"Who's this?" James asked, hopping on my lap like usual.

"This is Y/n." I explain to them. Y/n waves and Emily smiles.

"So you do have someone like that." Emily exclaims, causing my face to heat red. "I knew it."

"Have you guys kissed yet?" James asks, looking up at me.

"Guys..." I complain, trying to rub the embarrassment of my face. Y/n simply laughs.

"So, James and Emily I assume." Y/n says, getting a nod from the two kids. "Well, the answer to both of those questions is yes."

"Oh god." I mumble, earning a grin from Y/n.

"Love you too, dear." She says, kissing my hair.

"Well then, now that we're all introduced," Emily pipes up. "Here." She holds out a cupcake with deep blue icing.

"That's like one from your dream." I chuckle out, nervousness lacing my voice.

"Yep," James squeaks, unafraid. "But you're good, so it won't turn black."

"Hey, if you don't want it, I'll eat it." Y/n offers. I laugh as she takes the cupcakes from Emily and steals a bite.

"Ok, ok." I say, playfully ripping away from her. "That's all you get."

I took a bite. "Hey, look." I motion to the still blue icing. "I didn't turn it black!"

"Oh, but I will." I heard a raspy voice say, and before I could do anything the cupcake was snatched from my grasp. I heard James squeal and Emily gasp, so I look up, only to be met by the cold gaze of Dark as he finished up the cupcake, the icing now black. Y/n gulps and Emily jumps into her lap.

"Please stop, you're scaring me." James squeaks again, into my chest.

"He can't help his awful energy." I explain, hugging James tight to me.

Dark smirks, finishing the last of the cupcake. "You should be scared of me."

I growl at him, wrapping my wings around James as he whimpers in fear. "He's gonna hurt us."

"I won't let him." I reassure James, my gaze flickering over to Y/n and Emily temporarily.

"He'll hurt you." James whimpers, hugging me tight.

"I'll be okay." I promise, glaring up at Dark.

"Where shall we go to battle, dear Marki-mark?" Dark asks, his voice haunting my ears. "We could go right here, right now. No one can see us. Well, besides them." He grins at Emily who buries her face into Y/n.

I stand, setting James gently down on the ground and folding my wings gently behind my back. I look over to Y/n and see her rising as well, carrying Emily on her hip. I pull her close and press a kiss to her head, before placing James hand in hers. "Go," I tell her. "Take them out of here, make sure they're safe, bring them to their mom or something, come up with an excuse, I don't care. Just make sure they're safe, and take care of yourself too. Now go on." She nods and towing James along behind her, the three of them are now out of harm's way.

"Awww..." Dark says. "Look at you being heroic. Heroes always get remembered, but you know legends never die."

I sigh, not up for this at all, and quite frankly I was annoyed. "What do you want?" I snarl at him.

He sighs, a lot more calm and patient than me. "Didn't we talk about this already?"

"You never exactly gave me a straightforward answer." I snap in reply

"To stop the light from spreading. Do you not remember this conversation?" Dark asks calmly.

"Yeah, but how? Do you remember, I asked you that? Do you remember that part of the conversation?"  I ask, sarcasm clearly evident in my voice.

"Oh yes, that was right before we fought. Well, it wasn't much of a battle." Dark bragged. "You didn't put up much of a fight."

I glare at him and he takes his pencil out, doodling random squiggles in the air. I glance at him warily, grabbing my own pencil out from behind my ear.

"Could you answer the question?" I spat, annoyed and a bit worried by his extreme calmness.

"Oh Mark, be considerate." He states. "Even people like me don't like telling others about their death."

"So you're gonna kill me?" I ask, even surprising myself at how much I sound like I don't care. You'd think I'd be worried about something like this.

"That was the plan." Dark said, sounding rather distracted, occupied by whatever he was drawing.

"With what? Is a wolf gonna bite me in half?" I sass at him.

"Wolves, snakes, animals. Been there, done that." He made a dismissive motion with his hands as if to prove his point. "I was thinking more along the lines of nature. Letting it wash over you."

"Wha-" But I was cutting off as he pushed on his drawing, sending it crashing towards me.

It hit me. Literally. A wave. The ocean. Another deep, dark fear of mine that, of course, he knew. It knocked a me off my feet and ripped my pencil out of my hand. Dark made an upwards motion and the water slowly rose.

"You won't be needing this." Dark says, unzipping my pack and letting out all the light Y/n just collected. "Or this." My eyes widened as Dark snapped my white pencil that had washed up at his feet.

"I thought you were smarter than this." Dark sighed. "You could've been an engineer."

I desperately flapped my wings as the water rose higher, only to find them utterly useless, dampened by the water. Dark's laughter was the last thing that I heard as I took a deep breath, the water rising over my head. I was surrounded in an ocean of darkness... And I was drowning.

Author's Note

Oh no, Dark's back... already... yeah... *holds arms towards sky* Mark's gonna die... no, not really... maybe, you never know. We nearly killed Mark once... twice XD *cough cough* (we love you Mark, I swear. We always try and kill Mark and then make Jack experience all of his worst fears. Ok, we did that to Mark in this one too. We love you guys I swear!! XD -C) different stories, different times, don't worry about it XD But Mark is in trouble, so are you going to come save him again? You'll just have to see. Anywho, we hope you guys liked this chapter and we will seE ALL YOU DUDES, IN THE NEXT VIDEO!

Peace! -A
All in all, Buh-Bye!! -C

The Luminosity of LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora