Dangerous Thoughts and Bad Ideas

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~Mark POV~

I headed back to the park as soon as the sun could be seen. I could get light from almost anywhere, but the park always seemed to have the most ready supply. I had to go to the park anyway, to meet Emily and James as I promised. So I said a good bye to Y/n, we had moved to the couch and fallen asleep together, heading off into the dawn of the new day.

I flew to the park, fluttering my wings in the early morning's light. No one would be out to see me, and well, they can't see me anyway. So I landed in the parks soft grass, taking the bag from my back and unzipping it, holding it open as I ran around. I ran and jumped, soaring into the air, my bag full of light. I spun around, soaking in the sun, before finally stopping and shutting the bag tight.

We'd have to figure out what was going on with her power for her house if I was going to live there. I don't know if I could survive another night without light. The simple thought of it sent shivers down my spine. I glided over to a nearby tree, settling in the top branches so I could still be in the sun. I had time before Emily and James came, so I debated going back to Y/n's place, but she'd probably already be gone and I don't have a key.

So I didn't go, but instead past the time thinking about her. And not just how beautiful she was, but why she could see me? I mean, Emily and James can see me because they believed in me. They believed I was real so I could reveal myself to them. But it's harder for adults to see supernatural beings, beings like myself, because they just can't bring themselves to think that things like us are real.

We're all imaginary friends who disappear like rose petals once the kids get over it. It's "cute" and "adorable" that their 5 year son and 6 year old daughter have an imaginary friend named "Mark" who's an angel, but once they "mature" it'll all be distant memories. And the thought of James and Emily growing up, and forgetting me, it's... I teared up a bit, but I wiped them out of my eyes, laughing at myself.

"Pull yourself together Mark," I sigh. "Pull yourself together."

So back to the original question, why can she see me? Even as old as I am, the 27 year old geezer, I'm still learning new things everyday. People say when you have a problem, to google it, but I don't know how much Google could help me here. I don't know, maybe I'd go visit my brother, or parents or something, they'd probably know.

I sat in that tree, and thought for a while, only to be pulled out into reality by a nearby clock chiming the time. I peeked over the side of the tree, looking down at the children below. Did James and Emily not come? I left them a note. Maybe they didn't see it. Or what if their mother didn't let them come. Just the thought of that woman pissed me off. I sighed, running my fingers through my bright red hair, trying to calm myself down.

I don't quite remember where they lived, other wise I would've gone back to their house already. Slightly bored, I sling my pack on my back and run, jumping and diving into the sky. I fly around for a bit, the wind calming me as it rushes by me, seeming to have somewhere important to go. I dip and dive, before finally landing in the grass. I keep my wings out as I lay down on my back, either way is comfortable for me, but for some odd reason I just wanted to stretch them out.

I had taken my bag off, and well, my pencil never leave my ear, but eventually I fell asleep. I was awoken a few hours later by two children jumping on top of me.

"Ooof!" I said groggily, rubbing my eyes and sitting up, their laughter like music to my ears. "Hey guys." I chuckle, and James crawls in my lap.

"We brought you this." Emily said, holding out another cupcake.

"It's an apology cupcake," James squeaked, explaining to me as I took it from his sister. "Because our mother was super rude to you yesterday."

"Do you like it?" Emily pressed, as I bit into the tasty treat. This one had red icing, similar to the color of my hair, unlike the pink icing that graced the one I had before.

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