What I Noticed

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They said you brag about yourself.

If you brag, then why don't you ever talk about all of the wonderful things I see in you?

They said you don't care about anyone.

If you don't care about anyone, then why did you show your girlfriend how much you loved her?

They said you are a jerk.

If you are a jerk, then why are you so sweet to me?

They said you never smile.

If you never smile, then how do you laugh at all of my jokes?

They said you can't pay attention.

If you can't pay attention, then why did you sit still just to listen to me talk?

They asked me how I love you.

I responded: "What's not to love?"

And do you know what the funny part is?

They don't even know you.

Another love one.  Comment if you love                              this poem!!

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