Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Stepping inside the kleinfeld bridal store I was in awe with dresses. The whole place screamed glamour. Designer gowns hung from the rack each one beautiful in its own unique way. To the right, walls were covered in full length mirror and in the centre of the room couches were positioned facing them.

Walking up to the reception I asked about my appointment. The lady behind the counter smiled and told that someone would be with me in a minute. The whole staff of the store seemed to be dressed in all black coat and pant. They all wore a smile on their face which comforted me a little. I was so much dreading coming here.

Jackson also came with me. I insisted that there's no need for him to come, and Jess and Peyton would come shortly but he said he didn't had anything better to do. Surprisingly today his mood was better. We did progress on talking part. But I didn't want to push him so we stayed off the not-telling-him part.

A staff member shortly joined us. Her name was Beth, She looked young probably in her thirties. Escorting us to one of couches and she asked me about the venue and what type of dress I liked. Talking about different style of gowns that would look good on me she took me to the changing room to try some dresses.

Jackson was waiting at the sitting area. It was sad that he would be the one helping me chose not the one I was going to wear for.

Beth brought a mermaid dress that fitted me like second skin, the bodice was filled with stones. It was beautiful but I didn't felt like this was the one. I walked out of the room to show Jackson the dress.

Looking up from his phone he was still for a moment. He scanned me from head to toe and I knew he was thinking the same. I smile when I saw him shaking his head telling me no.

Going back to changing room I was waiting for Beth when my phone buzzed. It was a message from Peyton saying they won't be able to make it as some venue problem had arisen. Way to ditch me girls.

After trying numerous dresses I was exhausted, and still we weren't able to find a single dress. I had lost all hope to find one when Beth entered the room.

"Jackson picked this up for you. Hope you'll like this one", she said with a smile.

The dress was a ball gown, with plain bodies and sweetheart neckline and the waist had a sequential belt. The poof of the dress was shimmery and sparkled under the light. The moment I saw it I knew this was the one.

Wearing the gown he picked for me I came out of the dressing room. As soon as his eyes landed on me my cheeks grew warm. Tucking my loose strand behind my ear I slowly made my way toward the mirror. In front of me I saw a girl with sparkling brown eyes and flushed face moreover she looked beautiful. I looked beautiful.

Jackson stood behind me, taking me all in. My eyes met with his blue ones. They were filled with appreciation or was it love. I don't know but I loved how we were together in a moment. I imagined both of standing in front of the priest, holding hands, bound by love, committing our vows.

Tears filled my eyes. This was the closest thing for now I was going to have with Jackson and I would cherish it for my whole life. There were no words needed for the confirmation that this was the dress.

I turned to Beth and she asked," So do you say yes to the dress?"

"Yes", I giggled.

After doing the necessary we both exited the store. I was so happy with the dress that I couldn't help but twirl like a girl who got her favourite toy. Jackson laughed seeing me acting childishly. I attacked him with a hug and he caught me making both us of swirl around.

I was on cloud nine, and Jackson's smile took me to heaven. I felt completed with him. With him I forget everything. It's just him and me. Carefully he put me down. His hands were still on my waist. Both of our breaths mingled together. We both couldn't wipe the smile off our face.

Slowly he placed his hand on my face. His touch was like a cure to my pain. So gentle, as if he was afraid I would get hurt or break. I too was too afraid to blink. What if it was just a dream.

He brushed his thumb across my cheek and I leaned into his hand. His touched made my heart stop beating. My legs suddenly felt like Jell-O. If it wasn't for him holding me I sure would have fainted. I memorised every inch of his face. I swiped my tongue across my lips making him bite his bottom lip.

Please kiss me.

My eyes lingered on his lips. I just wanted to feel his lips on mine. To feel their warmth. I thought he leaned a little bit but sadly our moment was broken by phone ringing.

I jolted back, getting myself together. My breathing was erratic. Jackson was busy answering the call. Whoever it was had the perfect timing to interrupt us. Now phones know too how to ruin a moment.

"I'm sorry it was my assistant", Jackson apologized.

"No, no it's okay". Inside I was screaming OF COURSE NOT.

Biting my lower lip I started walking leaving Jackson to follow up behind me.


It was two 'o' clock and still I couldn't sleep. My thoughts keep revolving around certain guy. Today's event kept circling in my head. What-if the phone didn't interrupted us. Would he have kissed me? Is he still mad at me? What-if he didn't want to talk to me after this or worst didn't want to see me.

It was all too much. Life was filled with many what-if's and what-not. Even if it is said not to care about what could have happened we still keep imagining scenarios in our head.

I know one thing for sure. Things wouldn't be same between us. There was sexual tension in the air. Even people around us could feel it. It would be hard to resist him knowing he too wanted to kiss me. He too have feelings for me. I don't know what he feel for me is pure lust or something deep.

But this isn't enough. This will only complicate things. It would affect our lives and of the ones around us. I have to make sure we don't do things on instinct. I don't want to make things worse and sure he don't want it too.


Jess and Peyton came over to show me their bridesmaid dresses. Since I was not able to go with them they did shopping of their own.

Both of them looked gorgeous in light blue bodycon dress. Swirling in front of my mirror they were acting like little girls.

"This will go perfectly with your wedding gown", Peyton commented.

"Yeah, and we can up do our hair in bun and Ava can leave her open", Jess replied.

"You do know we still have one week left", I said arching my eyebrow.

"You're a typical tomboy", Peyton replied sticking her tongue at me.

"Hey", I threw a pillow at her which luckily she dodged.

After they both got changed in their comfy we laid down on our makeshift bed. Suddenly Jess shot up scaring the heck out of us.

"Slow down jumpy", Peyton and I exclaimed keeping a hand on our heart.

"Shut up. Now listen. We should do a bachelorette's party", Jess exclaimed clapping her hands together. And in no second Peyton was with her too. Sighing I said okay because there was no way they were going to listen to me.

They were busy planning when my phone buzzed indicating a message. Reaching for it I read the text and I wished maybe I didn't. I was puzzled even more.

We have to talk. J

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