I laugh at him and he instantly presses his lips against mine.

"Now we're even." He winks at me and I instantly blush.

"Thank you though, this is the far I will ever taste from beer," I laugh.

"Why? Drink just one gulp," Albert hands me his mug.

"No. I can't." I laugh.

"Hmm, okay then, I think I'll have to find some girl who I can share this beer with.." Albert holds a smirk in his lips reaching the mug to his mouth. I instantly grab the drink from his hands and reach them to my lips. 'He's such a terrible influence!' My mum would say.

I just take a gulp of the gold liquid. It's horrible! The flavour is bitter and I feel it oddly burning down my throat.

I finally can swallow it and Albert burst into a huge laughter, a really laughter when he lifts his head back. His eyes are with a bright moisture. Probably because of my idiotic face.

"Look who's the jealous now! You know, that jealousy is very unhealthy.." He laughs and I playfully punch him on his arm.

"We're fifteen, we're not supposed to drink alcohol! How did that waiter serve you a beer? It's against the law."

"Baby, relax, he is an old friend of my dad, it's cool." Albert says slower than usual wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Oh My God! I'm so sorry! With this mess between you and Andrew I totally forgot to ask you about your father!"

Albert tells me that he found a woman called Lauren living in his house. Apparently, they were best friends in High School; she was also Ellen's friend so she didn't want to interfere between their relationship. Ellen fell in love with Robert and they started dating. He loved Lauren not Ellen so when he finally wanted to commit to Lauren, already married and with Albert being born, he had that horrible car accident.

"So your dad was cheating on your mum?"

"I don't know.. Probably.."

"And she told you what happened to your father after the accident?"

"She was going to, until my mum showed up in there and ruined everything."

"Oh My God! Your mum went there?!"

"Yes, apparently they were just two best friends who fell in love for the same man."

"Wow, that's.. ahm.. complicated.." I'm out of words and Albert is being so quiet about this.. He seems tired of thinking about this subject and asking these same questions to himself.

"Yes, it's too much drama for me. Besides, I know this story has way too many pages and, right now, I'm only at the beginning.."


"Because Lauren said to my mum that she didn't have the right to keep the truth about what happened to my dad away from me, and that she can't keep hiding this anymore and saying that he is 'gone' is bullshit.."

"So he's alive?"

"I don't know.."

"Why are you so calm about this? You should be more excited with the huge possiblity of your father being alive.."

"I just.. If my dad has been alive during all these years why he didn't come for me? I've never returned to see him since that car accident.. he was tossed on the floor with so many blood and then my mum locked herself in her room for weeks crying and screaming.. I was feeling so lost and I didn't have anyone to make me feel safe until now." Albert gentle rubs his thumb against my cheekbone.

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