It's a Promise

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"Makoto, I think if you and me don't find someone else we want to marry or possibly already married too by the time we're 25, I think you and me should get married instead."

"Wha-?!" Makoto stuttered and stopped walking to stare at Haru with pure and utter shock on his face. "Wh-What makes you S-Say that?!"

"Makoto, calm down. You're mom's worried about us not meeting other people, right? So if we have that set date in mind, we'll be sure to find at least someone we love more than anything before we have to marry each other. Right?"

Makoto stared at Haru wide eyed, his mind slowly processing the idea Haru just laid out to him. It was a crazy idea if none, but when he actually thought about it, Haru was right in a way. If he thought that he had to find someone before he had to marry his best friend, he would socialize outside of Haru and find another person he would grow to love.

Maybe it wasn't that bad an idea.

"You're right in a way, Haru-chan." Makoto said happily, nodding his head. "Let's make it a promise then. If we don't love anyone by the time we're 25, we'll get married."

"Right." Haru said, a small smile playing at his lips as he reached his hand out to meet Makoto's. "And lay off the chan."

Age 17:

As usual, swim practice went by in a breeze today. Haru also as usual, decided to swim a few extra laps as Rei, Nagisa, and Makoto went to go change. Haru enjoyed the rare silence and serenity of the water when he was alone.

It's not that he minded when everyone else was in the pool, but they liked to splash around and screech loudly. Which was usually Nagisa. While when Haru's by himself, there's not excessive splashing or loud noises. Most likely because Nagisa's not around.

Haru sighed and slowly started swimming back to the other side of the pool. He didn't know why, but for most of practice he felt more on edge with the bubbly breaststroke swimmer. Nagisa usually hangs all over Rei, begging for his attention. But for some reason, today Nagisa seemed to be all over Makoto. Not his best friend, but Haru's best friend.

Haru really should not be upset over this, but he is. Every time Nagisa pulled a stunt to get Makoto's attention, or literally jump on his back just to ask him a question, Haru personally wanted to pick him off of Makoto and set him away from him. Far away from him.

Haru was too busy swimming his lap, with his thoughts clouding his mind that he didn't hear anyone approach the swimming pool.

"Uka-senpai! Haruka-Senpai!" Haru snapped out of his thoughts, and stood up in the pool to see an already changed Rei standing at the edge of the pool smiling at him. "Good to see you noticed! I was worried you were too immersed in the water that your ears might get clogged!"

"What do you want, Rei?" Haru asked calmly as he swam over to the edge to see Rei more clearly.

"Ah, I just thought I'd tell you I was heading out! Gou-kun wasn't in there, so I'm guessing she already left. I just thought I should tell someone before I left."

"Ok, thanks Rei." Haru's eyes widened when he realized that Rei was missing something very important. An important noisy blonde. "Wait, Rei!"

"What is it, Haruka-Senpai?" Rei asked as he walked back over to Haru.

"Where's Nagisa? Isn't he always with you?" Haru raised an eyebrow as Rei laughed genuinely at Haru's question.

"Haruka-Senpai, I assure you Nagisa-kun is fine. He's just a bit slower than usual today. Come to think of it, Makoto-Senpai seemed a bit slower too. But I think he said something about his swimsuit? Anyway, is that all, Haruka-Senpai?"

It's a promise!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora