female japanese names 1

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AI (Chinese: 1: 蔼, 2: 爱, Japanese: 1: 藍, 2: 愛): Japanese name meaning 1) "indigo" or 2) "love." Compare with another form of Ai.

AIKA (愛佳): Japanese name meaning "love song."

AIKO (愛子): Japanese name meaning "love child."

AIMI (愛美): Japanese name meaning "love beauty."

AKANE (茜): Japanese name meaning "brilliant red."AKEMI (明美): Japanese name meaning "bright beauty."

AKI (1-秋, 2-明, 3-晶): Japanese unisex name meaning: 1) "autumn" 2) "bright" 3) "sparkle." Compare with strictly masculine Aki.

AKIKO (1-秋子, 2-明子, 3-晶子): Japanese name meaning 1) "autumn child" or 2) "bright child" or 3) "sparkling child."

AKIRA (1-明, 2-亮): Japanese unisex name meaning 1) "bright" or 2) "clear."

AMATERASU (天照): Japanese name composed of the elements ama "heaven, sky" and terasu "to shine," hence "shining over heaven." In mythology, this is the name of a sun goddess who rules the heavens.

AMAYA: Japanese name meaning "night rain." Compare with another form of Amaya.

AOI (1-碧, 2-葵): Japanese unisex name meaning 1) "blue" or 2) "hollyhock."

ARISU (アリス): Japanese form of English Alice, meaning "noble sort."

ASAMI (麻美): Japanese name meaning "morning beauty."

ASUKA (明日香): Japanese name meaning "tomorrow fragrance."

ATSUKO (1-篤子, 2-温子): Japanese name meaning 1) "kind child" or 2) "warm child."

#AVARON (アヴァロン): Japanese form of Celtic Avalon, meaning "island of apples."

AYA (1-彩, 2-綾): Japanese name meaning 1) "colorful" or 2) "design." Compare with another form ofAya.

AYAKA (1-彩花, 2-彩華): Japanese name meaning 1) "color-flower" or 2) "color-petal."

AYAKO (1-彩子, 2-綾子): Japanese name meaning 1) "color-child" or 2) "design-child."

AYAME (菖蒲): Japanese name meaning "iris flower."

AYANO (1-彩乃, 2-綾乃): Japanese name meaning 1) "my color" or "my design."

AYUMI (あゆみ): Japanese name meaning "pace, stroll, walk."

AZUMI (あずみ): Japanese name meaning "safe residence."

BUNKO: Japanese name meaning "literary child."

CHIASA: Japanese name meaning "one thousand mornings."

CHIE (恵): Japanese name meaning "wisdom."

CHIEKO (恵子): Japanese name meaning "wise child."

CHIHARU (千春): Japanese name meaning "one thousand springs."

CHIKA (散花): Japanese name meaning "scattered flowers." Compare with another form of Chika.

CHIKAKO (千香子): Japanese name meaning "very fragrant child."

CHINATSU (千夏): Japanese name meaning "a thousand summers."

CHIYO (千代): Japanese name meaning "a thousand generations."

CHIYOKO (千代子): Japanese name meaning "child of a thousand generations."

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