-Chapter 15-

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-Chapter 15-

(Adrian's P.o.V)

"What do you mean she's Klaus' sister."

"I mean she is related to the man that killed my aunt, the man you tried to kill my sister. The one that is dead now. If she finds out he's dead, we'll have another problem."

"Well then, let's not let her find out." He walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek as he passed down to the basement. The few seconds he was gone I thought to myself, maybe we can pretend he never came, he never died. But what about Elijah, how could he lie to his own sister? I was startled by Damon's enchanting voice.

"While I was down there, getting my blood bag, I was thinking.. We probably won't be able to hide it. Elijah being his sister and all..."

"I was thinking the same thing, but if Elijah told Jean, Elijah would be hated by his sister. So, we won't have to worry about it. At least I hope."

"Let's just have a good day? You need a break. And your aunt's funeral is tomorrow. Along with John's. So let's not worry about this problem. You don't need to stress. We don't have a problem yet, so let's not make one. Maybe she'll leave."

"Damon, she won't leave until she pursues you.."

"What do you mean?"

"Babe, I saw the whole thing. You rejected her. I'm proud. But she is very serious with the things she says and I'm guessing you will be seeing her soon. I guess I don't really have a problem right now. But you do. Good luck with trying to get her to back off. I'm going home to spend the day with my sister and brother, okay?" I grabbed my jacket and shoes, kissed him on the lips, lingered there for a second and left before he could say anything because knowing him, he'd argue.

(Damon's P.OV)

Why did she have to do that? Just leave me. What if 'Jean' comes back. To 'pursue' me. I grabbed my blood bag and poured the hot liquid down my throat. I couldn't stand this. What if I just didn't hold back next time? What if I'm angry? I can't control myself, how could she believe so much in me?

Adrian too, has a problem if she wants me. Adrian stays in the way, Jean will probably go after her. Let;s hope Jeans little plan doesn't go that far and she will back off.

(Adrian's P.O.V)

When I got home, Stefan, Elena, Jeremey, and Alaric were there. I had sad eyes for Ric. He couldn't be there for his girlfriend. He couldn't even say goodbye. I think Jenna was even mad at Ric. That's not a good feeling when your loved one dies. I'm already upset with myself for not being with Jenna more. I worried more about myself. I need to stop doing that. It just kills people I love.

I walked up to Ric taking him into my arms because once he saw me it looked as he would break. Maybe because it was that we were all there or maybe because he couldn't hold it anymore. But once he was in my arms, he let it go. I let it go. I cried in his arms. I don't know what happened but next thing I know I have 6 more arms around me. Elena, Jeremey and Stefan also joined in the hug. Jer and Lena were crying along with Ric and I. Stefan was sniffling. I could hear it even if he was trying to hide it. They let go so I could let go of Ric. I then took my siblings into my arms and whispered, "we'll always have each other, I promise. Just us, nobody can stand in our way. We'll find for our survival. I'll always be your protector." They cried harder because they knew I was right.

I let go and forced a smile, "Let's have a fun dinner at the grill.."

"LEt's do it." Lena says.

"Let me call Damon, he'll be butt hurt if he's not invited." I walked up to my room and pulled out my phone and clicked 'The D-Man'.


"Hello my love." He answered. Oh how I loved it when he called me love.

"Hey, meet us at grill?"

"Already here."

"Well good. Elena, Jer, Alaric, and Stefan and I are on our way, aight."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you."

I hung up and ran downstairs.

"Everyone in the car!"

We all piled in Elena's car. I ran to driver's seat making it in time before Ric did. "LOSER!"He then grabbed inside for me and put me over his shoulder. As I kicked and screamed and laughed, he threw me into the passanger seat.

I started to pout, "Meany!"

He smiled and got into the drivers seat, driving us to the grill.

When we all got into the grill, Damon had a table waiting for us. I walked up to him and gave him a big kiss. That's when she showed up.

"Damon! I thought you said you wanted me!" I looked at Damon and then at Jean.

Damon's face went completely blank. He turned and looked at her. "Are you referring to when I pushed your ass off of my lap, because to me and everyone else that's a rejection not an invitation that I would ever be with you. Because frankly bitchy blondes are not my type." You didn't put words in Damon's mouth that's for sure.

(Damon's P.O.V)

I was blind with rage. Was she crazy? She wasn't getting dick! She then got closer to me, whspering something in my ear. While lookin straight in my eyes as if she was going to compell...

"Damon, tell her you want me. THat you never loved her. That you were only invovled to get closer to Elena but then you met me. And now you only have eyes for one person and it's me, Jean."

I turned to look at Adrian, she was smirking, like I was going to tell Jean off again. But I couldn't not this time. I wasn't in control, she was.

"Adrian, I never loved you. It was always Elena. I want nothing to do wit you. I only have eyes for one person now and that's Jean." I turned to Jean and walked away. Crying to Adrian on the inside, hoping she saw what the bitch did, or hopefully, she finds out. I'm stuck in this state of mind and I can't stop. I put my arm around Jean and walk out the Grill.

(Adrian's P.O.V)

"Adrian, I never loved you. It was always Elena. I want nothing to do wit you. I only have eyes for one person now and that's Jean." As he said this he turned. What was he doing? No, earlier today, he said. This can't be happening. I can't lose him. He can't just walk away like this. I fell to my knees. I couldn't feel anything. I felt numb. I thought he loved me. He said he did. I was angry. I wanted to tear her apart for taking him from me. I was weak again. I turned to look at Stefan. His eyes were clouded with what looked like anger. He was bound to protect me. He felt he had to. I was like his younger/older sister. His girlfriends sister. Who was currently paralyzed by the hurt his brother just put on me.

Next thing I felt was a pair of arms picking me up bridal style. I looked at the face to find out that it was Ric. I looked at him and cried into his shoulder. Letting him carry me to where ever he wanted to take me.

(Elena's POV)

"Stefan, what was that?"

"I have no idea. I think she compelled him. Didn't Elijah say originals cound compell vampires?"

"He did! But what does that have to do with this?"

"Jean is Klaus' sister. Damon called me and told me earlier. That would make her an original. She got close to Damon to compell him to tell those things to Adrian. I know for a fact Damon would never say anything like that to Adrian because he loves her. He's shown it. He's proven it,"


Jean compelled Damon to love her. How desperate can she get? How will Adrian take that her boyfriend was compelled away from her? Will they have to kill Jean to get Damon back or will they find another way?

Not only am I badass. I'm also a Gilbert. -A Damon Salvatore Love Story-Where stories live. Discover now